Do you think we’ll see any of the old Runners-Up get added, now that the Mob Vote’s been discontinued?

by 23Amuro


  1. It takes 6 ppl 2 months to code these guys with animations, mechanics and more… so if mojang does they might be able to in 2 years

  2. MOOOJAAAAAANG!!! GIVE US THE ICEOLOGER (like we should have before dream ruined it) AND MY LIFE, WILL BE YOURS

  3. SparklezSagaOfficial on

    No. And this is why killing the mob vote accomplished nothing. You threw away your democratic voice for nothing.

  4. Some of you people are so pessimistic that I don’t know how you even function. It’s not guaranteed but it is still possible. Devs said several times that most of these mobs are still on the table.

  5. The golems have a pretty nice shot to get added in a small expansion to 1.21 (given the heavy copper and tuff theming) and I believe attributes that allow crab claws to be easily implemented exist. I’d say the ones from the original mob vote, along with the glare, have really dire chances of getting re-added. Poor Glare was even dead on arrival because of the light level spawning change

  6. Definitely not all of them but perhaps the fan favorites.

    I don’t really see any of the other mobs from the first mob vote (where the phantom was added) ever getting added but I could absolutely see them adding Copper Golems, Mooblooms, and Penguins over the course of the next few years. The crab and the tuff golem probably have a decent chance as well but things like the rascal that were half-baked I don’t see ever happening.

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