Polar bears and pandas are the most glaring examples of this issue, but it’s an issue with several newer mobs. (Arguably, some older ones, too, like pigs.)

by -PepeArown-


  1. Pandas aren’t useless! What other mob will purposefully yeet itself off of a fatal precipice for comedic value?!

  2. Yeah, I think overall more mobs should drop meat, leather and other resources, especially the ones that are commonly used as livestock, like llamas, goats and camels

  3. There’s not really an issue about it tbh. It’s honestly nice to just have them around. Although it’ll be nice that they get a use, hopefully not through killing them (especially the pandas as the CN community will not like that. Especially since they’re the ones that voted for the Panda to be added)

  4. Traditional-Fix539 on

    i honestly love the “useless” mobs! they really add a ton of immersion and even if they don’t really do much, they are still really cute/cool!

  5. You did not just say pigs have an issue with their usefulness 💀 They give good food and are silly rideable what more do they need.

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