Anyone Else Scared By Their Wording Of This?

by meh_telo


  1. Oh, totally!It’s like they chose their words from a horror movie script.Gave me the chills just reading it.

  2. Not really… rather than one BIG update, you’ll be getting a few smaller ones spread out.

    Means they can focus time and effort better IMHO

  3. Prowl actually asked Mojang about this and these are the responses:

    **How frequently will new features be released now that they won’t all be tied to a single annual update?**

    “The plan is to release new game drops on a regular basis. That said, we want to leave ourselves open to be flexible with game drops, with lots of opportunities for the community to weigh in. There may be a longer gap in between two drops, while sometimes multiple will release in quick succession.”

    **How big will game drops be?**

    “Some game drops might be on the smaller side, but we still have big plans for Minecraft’s future. The game isn’t going to stop evolving any time soon, and the team will also be working on larger updates that will release less frequently than standard game drops. We’re hoping this new, more flexible strategy will let us be even more creative going forward.”

    I think this means they’re actually going to take their time with updates instead of aiming for a June release. And in the meantime they’ll entertain us with these drops.

  4. Instead of waiting all year and just geting 1 new tree, 1mob and 5 blocks, I would prefer to get mid year update or something and something like 1.21 in end of the year

  5. So why did they include the word free? Have they made paid updates before? (Excluding “mods” and packs for bedrock)

  6. a few smaller updates instead of 1 big one is cool. But the word that worries me is “free”. Are they planning on adding paid updates? That would just cause so many problems especially when your playing with friends or using a paid update with a different free update then it was designed for. (Like if 1.16 would have been a paid update could you use it in a 1.8.9 world?)

  7. I didn’t really think about it but yea kinda. maybe its good that they won’t feel preasure to reinvent the wheel every update. And will get smaller things like individual biome updates (seriously the desert needs that update so bad) or like new blocks and stuff.

    But will this compromise the bigger developments like i dunno an end update? like will we get an update like that in a few small chuncks

  8. TheInternationalBoy on

    Well, time to drop realms since I play with some client side mods like distant horizons and shaders. Poor modders lol.

  9. Yeah the wording is super weird. Why call them free updates unless you are planning on also having paid ones?

  10. Imagine having to pay for your game to be updated to the newest release. This is beyond insanity coming from a +300 million copy selling gaming company.

  11. Depends on what “game drops” are, if they’re updates, great, if they’re market place content, oh no

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