CRAZY world generation I just stumbled across on a Bedrock world. Doesn’t seem natural at all.

by ensemblestars69


  1. ensemblestars69 on

    Seed: 2662736935800952054 (hopefully I copied it right.). Windows 10.

    It looks like a… quarry of sorts that just digs all the way down to bedrock, with a smooth layer of lava. There’s a whole ancient city just exposed to the light there. The hole seems to be carved out of perfect 4×4 segments, and yet the 4×4 segments form a roughly organic shape.

    No clue if this might be related to it being at super far distances, but it certainly feels like it might be related.

    Edit: Each hole has an ancient city in it. Feels like it’s related to that.

  2. This always happens on bedrock when you go millions of blocks out.

    > X/Z ±2,812,333: Terrain generation partially breaks down at this point. Certain sections of land do not generate any terrain whatsoever, only leaving behind aquifers, generated structures, the lava that replaces all air below Y=-56, and the bedrock layer.

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