Hi! I'm playing in my own minecraft server with a custom modpack. Everything was OK, but lately I've started to experience lots of TPS lag. It occurs when I'm in a specific area of an underground room.

Lag comes in the form of spikes that repeat every second. I have done everything I can think of to try to determine what is causing the lag, but I can't seem to figure out exactly what is causing it. I do not see anything in the world that is related.

Here is an screenshot and a link to an spark profile of one of these ticks.



As you can see, the method "net.minecraft.world.entity.ai.attributes.AttributeInstance.load()" is taking up 95% of the time. My guess is that Spore: Fungal Infection may be the cause. Would it be possible to do something about it without removing mods? I really like Spore and wouldn't want to remove it. Help is appreciated.

by MilitarZ2112

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