For me, it's charcoal. I almost never see anyone use it over coal, which kind of sucks, because it's completely renewable and easy to get.

But what do you guys have that nobody else uses?

by FirstnameLastname14


  1. I spend most of my mime in servers…

    So i would say:

    >Warped fungus

    Yeah you may use that, but i never met someone collect that to survive the attack of hoglin.

  2. i’m not actually sure how many people use it but i like using the Spy Glass, i assume people just use Optifine instead

  3. Charcoal for me too. Nowadays one of the first thing my friends do is make a lava farm. But I like torchies and I hate looking for ores. So here comes da charcoal. ๐Ÿฅฒ

  4. I genuinely don’t understand why more people don’t use lava farms instead of using an incredible amount of coal. I love lava farms and they produce light!

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