I’ll never get over the fact that the sv community chose a alcoholic over a mf wizard or even Linus like damn

by JoannaAsia16


  1. Crazy that neither Gus nor Willy were options. They’re much better than the actual options here, aside from Linus.

    Personality-wise, Rasmodius isn’t really any better than Shane. If the cheating allegations are true, he’s far worse.

  2. When I played Stardew for the first time in March 2016, I got that cutscene where you have a beer and shoot the shit early on, and I was like, “well, I know who I’m romancing”. And then he wasn’t a romance option.

  3. I don’t want to marry Shane either but this community is super weird about derogatorily calling him an alcoholic like that’s all you need to know about him without even mentioning the flaws in his actual personality. Especially when he starts recovering without even having to romance him

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