I want each lamp to indicate if the Redstone is on and the Copper bulb's stage. For example, if the redstone is on and the bulb is off, it's in stage 3 so lamp 3 turns on. I tried it myself but am a beginner and I wasn’t even close. (RS = Redstone)

by Immediate-Cress-9390


  1. You need a comparator to get the current On/Off state of the copper bulb, and you can just use the state of the wire itself as a second input. Once you have those two inputs, you have simple logic for the individual lamps in your display:

    * 1st Lamp: Both Input A AND B
    * 2nd Lamp: A AND NOT B
    * 3rd Lamp: B AND NOT A
    * 4th Lamp: Neither A NOR B

    If you know your basic logic gates in Minecraft Redstone, that’s the easy part.

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