This week I learned how to clean and cook clams and also baked my first tart 😆 I also got to try vegetables I've never had before like fennel and swiss chard which was interesting!

  • Blueberry Tart: This was probably the most involved recipe I've made from the cookbook so far since it involved stirring the blueberry curd for 20 minutes straight. The final product was delicious — very sweet and tangy and the crust was a nice texture as well! I went out of my way to buy a tart pan for this recipe but I plan to use it to make more tarts in the future
  • Carp Surprise: In my case, it was Tilapia Surprise since I couldn't find carp anywhere. The mixture of veggies complimented the fish well! I learned that steaming/baking in a little parchment pouch like this is a French cooking method called en papillote. I'd like to try this method again in the future with a different type of fish
  • Mango Sticky Rice: One of my fave dishes which I've made quite a few times before but i wanted to try the Stardew version (which wasn't much different from my normal recipe). Very sweet and tasty although next time I'd add a bit more salt to the coconut sauce
  • Tom Kha Soup: I've made this soup before with chicken but I think I like it better with shrimp! It's a great combination of tangy, creamy, and slightly spicy flavors and I would make it again
  • Chowder: I was a bit hesitant about making this because I've never cooked with clams before. I was concerned about not getting the clams clean enough but the recipe did a pretty good job of explaining how to do it! The soup is very thick with lots of chunky veggies and would be great on a cold day. If I ever decide to make this again I would probably double the amount of clams

by jia-rong

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