I listen to the comments from my earlier post that all I need is Beenade, so I grind a 1200 of beenade.

by zhypier


  1. Good job! But like others said, you really should stick to one damage type, the Pygmy necklace is borderline useless with your current gear and could be easily replaced with a bewitching table that you can find in the dungeon, it’s buff lasts until you die and then you can just re-activate it upon spawning in if you really feel like you need an extra minion. Best of luck!

  2. ObviousDepartment744 on

    Great job! You are now in what I consider the most difficult part of Terraria. Hard Mode pre Mech Bosses. Downing your first Mech Boss can be quite a chore but it’s very rewarding and your character really starts to advance quickly after that.

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