1. I’ve started this project after repeated version’s that all originated on console with this being the last and being ported over to PC, this time I have started in the early 1800’s of colonial Australia, attempting to follow as close to what a real growing town of colonial Australia would face. Research goes into each building built to better improve on the next, larger buildings can take 2-3 days to make depending on how large the floor space is. The idea for this project is to simulate a town growing into a city, with the current year being 1836.

    How days/ months/ years work:

    Every 0[001] is considered a week

    Every 1000 in-game days is a month in the game

    Every 6000 in-game days is a year – January through to June

    Yes. I have slowly been adding lore throughout the town to add a more realistic feel, with a local newspaper that can report anything from a small celebration to a brand new jobs. Law’s have been attempted to be written but I unfortunately wasn’t born in the 1800’s and try my best to make each law as realistic as possible.

    If anyone has questions I am more than happy to answer any of them!

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