Had a brutal break up with my ex over 6 months ago. It was as bad as it gets so I started playing stardew after I ran out of cash for therapy. Took a liking to Harvey, married him and started to find comfort and happiness with a video game character that I kind of wished existed in real life.

I’d finish work and think about Harvey waiting for me at the farm and the sweet things he’d say in the morning. So one day in the shower I realised I might actually be crazy so I stopped playing indefinitely lol

well until 3 months later (today) hoping I don’t lose my marbles again but missed the farm (…and Harvey 💀)

Anyone else had something similar or should I get myself sectioned

by gooniegully


  1. sunshine_sun_7 on

    Well… as you can see by my flair I kinda have tye same problem… T-T Hes just sooo sweet!!!!!!! I wish he existed in real life 😔

  2. Clementine_Danger on

    It’s very, very normal to cling to something comforting after a spot of trauma. When things are too raw and you’re psychologically incapable of dealing with it yet, it actually helps to have something comforting to cling to just to keep you functioning on a day to day level. It only becomes unhealthy when you use it as a long term replacement for actually processing that trauma.

    [source: five years of targeted trauma therapy]

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