Just beat the ender dragon and the exit portal didn’t light? What do I do?

by epicpixels654654


  1. Alarmed_Detail_3087 on

    find end gateway by bridging or using the one that spawned, get elytra, and return through end gateway? idk if its even possible to return

  2. Find an end gateway go through find end city take over end city, eat only chorus live in end city throw away all items and live as an enderman

  3. Mrcoolcatgaming on

    Do you have any blaze powder? Or a single ender eye? Otherwise trek to a end city, put your stuff in a ender chest (while there get elytra and shulker shells to start off maybe as it might not be good to return until you know how to fix it) and die


    Find an end city and throw all your items in an ender chest if theres not enough room kill shulkers to make a shulker box for more storage

  5. Since this isn’t hardcore, I suggest putting your stuff into a chest (you can even find enderchests in end cities), then jumping into the warm embrace of the v̵̢̥̯̘̜̅o̵̻͙̟͚̤̔̌i̶̥̓̆̃̔d̷̬̟́̆̾̚.

    Then you can gather the materials to resummon the dragon and try again. If I remember correctly the portal will always be disabled after restarting the ender dragon fight, so maybe it’ll be enabled after you kill em a second time around.

  6. Put your stuff in an enderchest. Or just a chest if you can come back without it. And hope it works when you come back? Otherwise you can just cheat yourself a portal since it’s clearly a bug

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