They just have some hearts around them, exchanging carrots and suddenly, storm appears and no baby in sight. Second picture is type of breeder used. I tried googling it but it was no help

by FLeM07cz


  1. Well, it would help if we could actually see what you’ve built, cause in theory this should work.

    Make sure you got 3-4 beds and nothing but trapdoors in the walkway towards those beds. If there is any blocks in there, then the villagers won’t consider the beds reachable.

  2. Need a bed for each villager if there’s 3 villagers and 3 beds they wont reproduce, but if there’s 3 villagers and 5 beds they’ll make 2 babys to fill the beds

  3. I would use a different breeder, one that’s more efficient. The breeder I usually use is smaller and involves you throwing stacks of food. Maybe throwing food to them will help speed up the process?

  4. It’s possible one of the bed is claimed by another villager – break them all and put them back down

  5. Adventurous_Mood_374 on

    Check how many beds there are, there need to be more beds than villagers (at least +1) or maybe they dont have enough food (each of them needs at the very least 24 carrots i think

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