It is snapshot day my dudes! Minecraft snapshot 24w35a is here with some nice map upgrades, raid changes, lots of bug fixing, and even some new and improved bee hives! Today we take a look at EVERYTHING in Minecraft 1.20.2 snapshot 24w35a.

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  1. Guys I have a theory, they tried going back to villagers and changing them, it didn’t work out, now they are working on technical stuff and bees, maybe we’ll see some nether stuff soon?

  2. can we please put a cooldown of some kind on milking cows. It's so weird to just jeep a single cow that you can milk 97 times in a single minute if you need to, make us be farmers with like 10 cows.

  3. 9:13 Copying the block that way only copies NBT:
    – The bee information is stored in NBT
    – Honey levels are just block states, kimda how like corner stairs work n stuff.
    Since you copied the NBT but not the blockstate it only shows the bees 🙂

  4. Kinda unrelated but I felt like a wattles comments section was the right place. I think it would be cool to have a rare type of frog that produces a special frog light that can only be obtained when a tadpole grows up in the nether. The fact that tadpoles out of water die in less than 20s and water cannot exist in the nether would make this challenging. A tadpole takes 20min to grow up but if fed slimeball, time is reduced by 10%. If you feed a tadpole a stack of slimeball, it will grow up in 1.4 seconds. If you can feed it a full stack fast enough then you could have a tadpole mature in the nether. Right now this produces the white frog 😢 it would be exciting if it produced like a black or red nether frog or something and could have a black or red frog light. It could be biome specific too. Maybe basalt deltas does black frog/frog light, crimson forest could do red, warped forest could do blue, nether wastes could be the regular white frog

  5. Im not sure about the whole merging of the loot tables. If it were me, I would’ve kept them separate, and make a hash table of interaction-based loot tables, where an item keys to a loot table. So there’d be the death loot table, and the interaction loot tables.

  6. About the whole letting every mob (that’s passive with some neutrals) breed thing, I still kinda hope they don’t let parrots or bats breed (cuz the achievement is called the parrots and the bats)

  7. Finally we can see the data for the beehives. ❤ man I was asking for it constantly.
    Still waiting for the impaling would effect the drowned and I will use tridents.

  8. As someone who keeps a gargantuan-sized bee swarm in my base, the new changes to Bee Nests and Hives will be handy for me when checking the status of my bee hives.

  9. I know when the bundles come out That there should be bundle Upgrade Feature but using the Different I get such as Iorn,gold, diamond,Netherite,each Upgrade adds More space

  10. I think I know why they're not having the possibility to breed squid it's because in real life when two squids mate the mother normally dies and the baby squid have to basically as soon as they're born there to defend themselves on their own you know

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