EVERYONE loves the wind charge! Probably. And in this video, we’ll tell you how we conceived it, worked on it, and added it to your fifth-favourite crafting game! Is this video a load of HOT AIR?????? No. We worked really hard on it. What a horrible thing to say : (

00:00 Hi, David!
000:23 Meet the NEW CEO!
1:09 Breaking Minecraft (again)
2:37 Parkour vs Combat
3:32 Happy Accidents
4:15 The Wind Charge’s Fatal Flaw
5:44 Bye, David!


  1. Interresting to see minecraft move again all of the sudden
    Retrospectives to smps that rnded years ago and callbacks from youtubers i liked to watch back then and people finally talking 8ut against "just give us all mobs" or other not thoughtthrough things like "modders are faster" like a certain redstone youtuber we all know and love
    Looking bavk yes there are things that are weird but comparing minecraft to other games (especially live service games and frenchises and how they develop) minecraft isnt experiencing a bad quallity assurance at all nor is it really experiencing any form of bad powercreep because of them recklessly adding new items
    Instead were getting additions that are less complex on their own but make minecraft more filled with features
    Sure they cant fix every problem the game has but we need to ask ourselves…when are we asking for perfection?
    Well im not asking for perfection when i ask if we cant just get mobs that are there to drop something cool when killed again

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