Please note that the Elder Guardian and Wither are their Bedrock counterparts.

by Spirited_Dark957


  1. Putrid_Impress4705 on

    Ravager with a bow hehe. BUT NO WAY WILL I FIGHT THE WITHER. i spawned the wither once under ground and he managed to get to my house and destroy it :’)

  2. The piglin brute. He is the only one that wouldnt just crush me with its own weight. But its 99% that the piglin brute wins.

  3. Fluid-Math9001 on

    Elder guardian because I fought a fair amount of them (in bedrock ofc) and once you have protection III all over + sharpness III, they just become nuisances.

    Although I never have the balls to fight wither yet.

  4. They are all pretty easy honestly. Dragon is a pushover, brute is countered by a boat, ravagers pathfinding is too jank to not be easy (also they are massive), wardens are rendered passive by some simple redstone, elder guardians are a joke, wither can be hard but once youve got a good bow and a lil regen they are simple

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