I Turned YOUR Drawings into Minecraft Mobs

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✅ Inspired by @ImTerasHD

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#minecraft #mobs #drawing

I Turned YOUR Drawings into Minecraft Mobs

🎶 Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
All music used with permission from its creator.


  1. Can you make like the orb of destruction From I mean From I mean the diamonds from Minecraft dungeon and make it absorb like a rare armor with the with like a rare material with like like like a echo show never to make a cool armor and also give it cool blade of dark fire that would be cool please make that ID

  2. Phantom dragon with huge claws to slash at its opponents or enemies and helps people out on their quest
    And to derogatory any thing that hertz there oner or allies or friends but if you find a dragon bones on the ground get out your soul bones because if you tame it will be your new pet/friend

  3. From my neuro divergent 5 yr old who loves your channel, and tried to get his thoughts in order: So imagine playing Minecraft, then you got an idea to make a load of mobs from space including new items. I thought of an idea for Mimas, you add a huge hole and a copper block in the middle and for Mars you a big bump on his head that spews out lava because it's Olympus Mons. And you could also get a huge crack from Mars which is Valles Marineris. From 🌎 you could get atmosphere armor wow!!!!!! Is there a giant peanuts with one side large and one side small. The large side and it is elongated by two pixels imagine that search even one that can while I think maybe actually could eat 1 million gasts what about one could even make people take fire damage close to it the song could even make waves of lava that stop Redstone from working and can fit a thousand guests I'm the Jupiter mob is the size of a gas and don't forget it's blue stripes oh and its mouth is on a red spot where its face is any Jupiter actually has a ring and don't forget Neptune and Uranus is actually has one and Uranus will be sideways that's funny😂 like this emoji out of here 🤡 and all the planets it's that have rings drop the rings and you're able to put them on your leg slot the rings all of them fall off if you don't wiggle except Jupiter's and dwarf planet Haumea there are only four pixels wide but Quaoar Has 2 rings too much more far out than they should be two times that is odd. All of them are cubes except Haumea and another mob that looks like a loaf of bread called Verona.

  4. Man, turning drawings into mobs is such a cool idea! 🎨 It’s like giving life to our doodles! Can’t wait to see what else you come up with. Also, a giant mecha seems super fun! 🤖 Let’s do this again, Kipper! 🙌

  5. A grim reaper with a staff with a grass block on top of it. With tiny white eyes a crown with an M on top. It’s called The Nightmare King’ love your videos. Bye. 😊

  6. Well, I’m going to introduce you to Solaris and Lunaria, the divine patrons of the sun and moon. They only attack while the other is down, Solaris getting up close and personal, and Lunaria staying back and using magic. Reply if you want a drawing

  7. A robot made out of ice That kills things And also shoots giant robots Scratch that it shoots mini That that you That that shoot bombs Donnie I don't care Donnie I don't I don't care there's no drawing to go with it so yeah use your imagination

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