Just realized that in Minecraft, the world is infinite but the sun still goes around it. Mind blown! 🤯

by HoneyedFudge


  1. This poster has less than 1000 karma!

    Post check! u/RepostSleuthBot

    ^(I am a bot, please do not interact with this comment, DM me if you want to chat)

  2. Reserved_Parking-246 on

    You are the one the sun goes around.

    The world only exists when you observe it.

    You and everyone else that matters.

  3. it’s not infinite. It’s finite to 2 billion x 2 billion or something like that. It just is magic

  4. The world is not infinity . It is just too big so peaple think it is infinity but in reality there is a limit . A boarder

  5. Hypixel has tons of bots that say random shit, including this. Seriously, this isn’t funny

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