I thought all of these were good for the most part but what do you guys think



  1. Dungeons is great still, was free on ps+ instead of 20€ but is definitely worth it imo. Another 20 for DLC’s was not so great tbh.

  2. quantifiedlasagna on

    Dungeons is pretty cool, very worth it.
    Never played legends, but am dying to play, looks pretty neat.
    Never played earth 🙁

  3. Dungeons was pretty fun. But the platform specific locking of DLC was ridiculous to say the least.

    Legends was a borefest. Even the tutorial was boring. Just not a fun game to play.

    Earth.. don’t know. Tried it once, didnt work properly, never went back.

  4. Dungeons was good, it ran for a long time and still has a dedicated playerbase today

    Legends was… Eh

    Earth was doomed to fail cuz of covid

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