Photo one is an autocrafter that can do recipes like gold ingots into gold blocks without making byproducts like gold pressure plates as the copper bulb forces one output out of the observers.

Important notes because the first design is janky to make I’d recommend keeping a button on you as when you are done you will need to place a button on any copper bulb that is on and press it (off by default). Arrows show which way you need to face to place the observers

Photo two was an auto crafter designed to make kelp blocks originally and can do recipes like gold nuggets but can’t do recipes like chests without making byproducts like pressure plates.

How I’d recommend using the two designs

For design one I’d use this to craft recipes that their material has more than one crafting recipe like wood for things like pressure plates, chests and boats for example

For design two I’d use it to craft things that only have one recipe for their material like kelp, gold ingot and iron nuggets as this is cheaper than design one and won’t face wasted material if used this way.

Brief history and crediting

About nine months ago xisumavoid posted a video titled Minecraft 1.21 | Dried Kelp Block Crafter |
Tile-able Refueling XP & Fuel Farm
and at the 1:18 mark of the video you can see the design in the third photo and it was taken out and used as a single item crafter in the second photo. I used this idea to make the first photo to be capable of a larger range of items

TLDR can craft 2+ slot recipes reliably but one design makes byproducts while the other doesn’t (bigger one)

by Content_Bass_8322

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