Still relatively new player

by Make-this-popular


  1. UnforgivingEgo on

    This is the armor I always go for, it’s the best pre cultist armor for melee class

  2. Life-Enthusiasm3756 on

    on harder difficulties defence isnt that good or something, so melee builds aren’t as popular. on melee its the go to armor up untill the moon lord.

  3. The armor is really good, but the buff you’re seeing isn’t constant, it gets weakened after taking one hit, then again the second time and finally removed the third time. It then recharges over time back up to 45% again. You can read up the specifics on the wiki.

  4. Because it’s not a permanent buff. You take a hit, the buff becomes weaker, until it dissappears.

    You still have to dodge, but you get punished less when you take a hit.

  5. It is, but it does require you do dodge smaller attacks to get the maxium reduction on big ones.

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