Plus it’s not letting me be Alex 😭😭

by Idkdealor


  1. Long_Discount1743 on

    Erm you actually died because lava doesn’t fully break the fall especially if it is only one block deep lava pools and guessing how close it is to land it was pretty shallow lava 🤓

  2. Either 1 block lava pool (which isn’t LIKELY) or glitch. I’m not gonna say “bugrock” or “average bugrock moment” cuz that’s just annoying

  3. It looks like you died in midair, so either it’s bugrock bugging and showing you dying in midair when you died on the ground or it’s bugrock bugging and giving you fall damage

    either way haha bugrock funny joke

  4. “You dive into the water, you don’t land on top of it”

    I know this is lava but stfu

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