Hello, this is my first time here and also my first modpack I have ever made. I have the issue that I get into things I don't really understand, and I made a huge modpack. Somehow it runs, and I uploaded it to an Exaroton server for me and my partner to play. Somehow that also runs and is not that bad, except for one major issue: not everywhere, but on most chunks, when I brake blocks, the light level doesn't update, and torches seem to do nothing. Is it as if all lighting values are fixed on most chunks? How can I even start to fix this? This only happens on the server, when I am playing on local files it doesnt do that.
My modlist here: https://imgur.com/a/y3OhaHd
There a lot of mods, any help is highly appreciated.

by ZuardakTheDeceiver

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