Ok so basically abt 20 days ago i cracked the lifesteal s6 seeds and decided to post it on here as ig its fitting.
However to also motivate people looking at this to get into the Minecraft seedfinding/cracking community as well, heres how i did it:

Step 1 : What method?

I first had to decide on the easiest method to crack the seed, i decided on cracking the seed using the bedrock at the Nether roof because i had found some of it in a rekrap stream.(I also used a so called pillarseed, more on that later)

Step 2 : No coordinates bruh…

Unfortunately rekrap did provide any coordinates until after i cracked the seed, so i had to get the coordinates manually, i used the texture rotation of the Bedrock to bruteforce the coordinates(i knew the y lvl already ofcourse), for this process i used this tool if any1 wants to use it aswell : https://github.com/19MisterX98/TextureRotations

So big thanks for 19MisterX98 for developing this tool.

Step 3 : Recreation

Ofcourse i made a recreation of the bedrock at their corresponding coordinates, because, like seriously, i cant calculate each and every coordinate in my head without getting a headache.
(I did the same for texture rotations as well using a texturepack by 19MisterX98)
This was the most annoying part, one wrong thing and everything breaks, unfortunately i was stupid enough to have some errors, tho i wouldnt be posting this for no reason.

Step 4 : Cracked?

Short answer : 114 results.
Long answer : I ran this cracker : https://github.com/19MisterX98/Nether_Bedrock_Cracker , (once again thanks for 19MisterX98 for developing this tool), and got 114 results, yikes! Checking all of them would take me more time than i was willing to spend so i had to reduce teh amount of seeds once again, so i pasted all seeds into a .txt and went ahead to reduce the amount of seeds.

Step 5 : Pillarseed

A pillarseed is a seed minecraft uses to determine the arrangements of pillars in the end for 10 fixed pillars.
A pillarseed only ranges from 0 to 65535 meaning its an instant bruteforce.
Luckily i developed a nice GUI tool to crack those,.

In case any1 wants to use it : https://github.com/Epic10l2/Simple-Pillarcracker , i dont recommend using the .exe as someone reported to me that apparently his antivirus triggered on him, not the file doesnt have a virus its just that some antiviruses dont like a literal python interpreter running through an unlicensed .exe. Just follow the steps to use it in an IDE in the readme.

Thanks for Neils for having his cracker opensource so i can yoink his code. Here is his tool which also includes a pillarcracker(the one i yoinked the code from): https://github.com/hube12/MinecraftSeedCrackingC

Step 6 : Ladies and Gentlemen, we got him.

After calculating the pillarseed for each of the 114 seeds using seedcandy i went ahead and manually compared the results(multiple) of my pillarcracker and the seeds with their corresponding pillarseed i got this, and only this match: 2145867730527016774

Suprisingly the entire process only took a couple of hours(tho i started pretty late so i was asleep for like 8 hours but i dont count that ig).

Thanks WearBlackAllDay for developing seedcandy : https://github.com/WearBlackAllDay/SeedCandy

Step 7 : Credits
Thanks to 19MisterX98 for developing the texture rotation coordinate bruteforcer as well as the Nether bedrock Cracker and SeedcrackerX as this mod got me into seedcracking in the first place.

Thanks for Neils(hube12) for developing SeedCrackingC and open sourcing it, without the bruteforcing code i wouldnt have been able to find the seed that quickly.

Thanks for WearBlackAllDay for developing SeedCandy which has helped alot with my projects including this one, it allowed me to quickly compare the pillarseeds at the end of the cracking process.

Thanks for the entire Minecraft@home team for sharing knowledge which i was applicable in many of my seedcracking projects including this one.

Step 8 ? : Conclusion

Even if you think you are so far from a goal, trust me, your are closer thank you think.
I hope this Post has motivated you to start your own journey with whatever your goal is in minecraft, if it is making a nice mod or maybe cracking your favourite ytbs 10 year old lets play seed. Nothing is completely impossible.

While i continue to crack seeds i hope whoever reads this is planning his next Journey right now, if its with friends or alone, it doesnt matter, what matters is achieving the goal(without hurting any1 ofcourse).

This is all from my side,
Thank you for sticking with me,


(Honestly this is the second most painful thing i have ever written and i feel weird because i probably wont know how people will think about this.)

by Epic10l2

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