What, in your opinion, is the reason for the apparent decay of Terraria public servers? Why didn’t they become a massive phenomenon like in Minecraft? Now, there are only a dozen active servers left, with a decline in online numbers.

by ArthRol


  1. Imo I think it has to be size. In a public Minecraft server you’ve got an infinite amount of world space for people to fuck with, while in Terraria your space is extremely limited.

  2. I played since before hardmode was introduced and never knew about public servers lmao.

    As for why Terraria would decline in public compared to Minecraft, I think that’s to be expected when almost all youtubers embraced Minecraft and so many never dropped it. I don’t see any gaming channels personally, but back when I was babysitting the kids were watching random youtubers I never heard of and they were playing Minecraft too. More content of Minecraft makes more people play it, which makes more people consume Minecraft content.

    I also think Terraria feels way more full and complete in single player compared to Minecraft. Minecraft has insanely big worlds that feel mostly uninhabited, so unless you build stuff in multiplayer it’s less interesting to me. But I can start a new Terraria run in SP and never feel like the world is empty or too samey. Furthermore, your world in Terraria changes and progresses with you. A new character would struggle so much in a Post-Plantera world, or any hardmode world, really, so I can see why some public servers may be less attractive to people who just wanna explore and loot the entire world lol.

    They’re fundamentally very different games, so it could also be literally anything else, but that’s what I would guess.

  3. It’s not like Minecraft servers were always super popular, between 2014 and 2017 most servers were even deader then Terraria is now.

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