1. Since its such an important place I dont want any lighting method that takes the focus away from the entrance. I tried carpets but I wasnt satisfied with it. (Btw it needs to be possible in survival)

    Edit: Made a barely noticeable path using variated stone and carpets, I think it looks pretty good so Ill keep it that way

  2. Alarming_Contract_84 on

    If this is a creative build and not survival im pretty sure yoy can give yourself a light block with commands. An invisible block that emits light

  3. Ok-Creme-1015 on

    Maybe try soul torches/lanterns under light-grey carpet? If you sprinkle the carpet around it will blend in betyer with the andesite and look like natural weathering (hopefully)

  4. Maybe some mini decoration. Some sword in Stone from ender rod or Little shrine/tombstone with a lantern. A mini mini pond maybe

  5. Just replace the floor with a top slab if it is a full block and put a light source under it, it will light up the area

  6. Is it actually too dark tho? With the new light level it seem to be very close at least… So anyway, you probably don’t want any light coming out of the ground as it would look way out of place. Look if you can maybe lower the lantern on top or make an other one that is dangling out of the roof. That or floating lanterns (kongming lanterns) as it fits the Japanese theme well

  7. The obvious solution would be light under carpet, but you said you didn’t like that. Maybe if you can try texturing the floor with more blocks then just andesite to help the carpet blend a bit better with the floor.

    Other things you could try is moving the lamps diagonally one block towards the middle
    or hanging lanterns from the roof, instead of having one lantern in the middle like you have now move it two blocks down and three block to each side (into the corners). Making it two lanterns a little bit lower so it better lights the ground.

    Otherwise I have no more ideas that wouldn’t distract from the entrance itself

  8. Maybe you could use some carpet to make a pattern in the andesite and hide lanterns under it?

  9. put down some candles, that’ll look cool. as for the color of the candles, that depends on the vibe you’re going for.

  10. FrozenGiraffes on

    On another note you might want to have basic stone mixed in with the andesite, goes well together

  11. Glow lichen? Wouldn’t give a full 15 levels of light but is pretty hard to see, plus it’ll look like a bit of growth on the floor

  12. Mustard_M0narch on

    I use lava under slabs for floors that are too large or if I just don’t want torches

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