For me it's Ravines
They just hit different before 1.18

by brosain04


  1. I don’t know if I’d say useless, but Woodland Mansions definitely have the worst rarity to payoff ratio of all the big structures.

    They’re absurdly hard to find, and even with the explorer map can sometimes require an hour+ of travel time to get to. They’re one of the most challenging structures to defeat, with some of the toughest mobs in the game.

    And yet they have basically nothing unique to offer. Pre 1.14 they were the only way to get totems, but raids made that obsolete. The loot sucks, and the illagers don’t even respawn so there’s no replayability. There isn’t even an advancement for finding one like there is for the other massive structures.

    Of all the structures in the game I think they are the most in need of an overhaul, and they’ve only been in the game since like 2017

  2. Dungeons (“Monster Rooms”).

    Of all the structures that have been left behind to rot, these are the biggest disappointment in my eyes. Literally just a box with tidbits of loot and a spawner. They’re literally almost a decade and a half old at this point.

    Even just changing the shape and size would be an improvement. They’re so bad that literally *any* change is an improvement. I’m amazed they didn’t get an overhaul with the Trials update to become a sort of mini combat challenge.

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