Hardcore Terraria with 300x Spawn Rate, 1 HP, and on Legendary Difficulty. | episode 2 btw

Episode 1 – 4 hours worth of footage.
Episode 2 – 10 hours worth of footage.

I’m gonna need an SSD and some more ram if this is gonna keep goin lmao.

41:54 – length of video.


  1. As a terraria veteran and completer of the calamity mod I have some tips I'd like to share, in 3 categories, surviving, battling, and misc.

    Surviving: When in the evil biome and jungle, there are thorns scattered throughout, dealing 1 hp, which is the only one you have. So, be extra careful in those biomes cause they would kill you very easily. Another tips is ALWAYS PRACTICE BOSSFIGHTS. It's hard to beat a boss you haven't faced in a long time without practicing. I'm pretty sure you can copy worlds to practice, but if you can't download the cheatsheat mod which gives access to every item, so you can create a new world and use it to get your exact items to practice. Another tip is honestly just baby proof everything. If there's an elevator to the sky, have a trapdoor because I have had wayyyy to many experiences of enemies falling on and killing me.

    Battling: These are some tips on what weapons to use. Preboss is a hard decision. Melee is starfury, with no armor because the recommended armor is gold/platinum which are defense armors, they don't boost attack. Ranged is minishark/ grenades with silver/tungsten bullets for minishark, but the recommended and also grind fossil armor is too hard to get, the desert is hard enough to survive in, but with 1 hp is harder. I've died countless times in the desert getting this armor and it takes about 3 long trips too. Just don't go for this armor, but grenades might work without anything. Mage is tough because I've never been an early game mage, but I believe platinum staff along with diamond wizard armor is the gear. Platinum staff is diamonds and platinum, requiring luck with finding diamonds, which might not even be enough, same with the armor. I don't suggest this. Summoner is the easiest to get. Slime staff/flinx staff is good for this playthrough. Flinx staff and armor (armor is heavily recommended) is my pick as a summoner player (I've played summoner too many times even though it's the worst class for regular playthroughs). Flinx gear requires getting to the snow biome which is the safest earlygame place except for first and ocean imo. Whips such as leather whip (snap thorn is too hard to get) are decent, but not the best. PERSONAL OPINION: I suggest starfury with the flinx armor and staff. The armor and staff are rlly good, along with starfury. The staffs and starfury have an added bonus, attacks through walls. Now this is preeboss but it carries to Eater of worlds and Brain of Cthulhu, especially brain of cthulhu. After that, I suggest getting molten armor (if you can) and becoming a melee with summons. (I don't have time for the other stages in the game, just know you should probably be changing classes A LOT).

    Misc: This is everything in-between, but I can't think of much so this will probably be the shortest. Potions are really good from fishing and I suggest, overprepare, make long arenas make potions, everything. My personal opinion is decently have an inferno potion on at all times. They are hard to get, I just buy them from modded npcs,but always having them has knockback against slimes hopping toward you, and good against brain of cthulhu. Minecarts are a really good way to get around safely. Get walls, minecart tracks, and blocks surrounding it. Another tip is no pressure, but make a discord. The audience can help you with these runs, not just friends or youtubers. Another is don't get pressured to make a video every week. It's better to take a break for a bit then coming back then getting burnout and quitting altogether.

    Anyway, that's it. I might edit this if I think of something. Thanks for reading my essay lol.

  2. I thought it was just me, but you also use the format for Sword on 1, Pickaxe on 2, Axe on 3, and Ranged on 4. Is that just a standard I am not aware of?



    I’m not sure if blood moon is possible with one hp since the criteria is 120 but do keep it in mind if it is possible to happen

  4. not entirely sure but iirc walls don't need to completely fill the background to prevent mob spawns. pretty sure they need like a 3×3 area exposed to spawn

    also definitely don't need to to do the ones behind blocks

  5. Somehow, I have this prediction: you will keep doing this challenge as a YouTuber until you finally conquer this challenge in your 300th video. And, at that time, you will have tons of fans and will surely become a legendary player in terraria history😂… I wanna witness this journey from its start❤

  6. Did you know that you can make your projectiles(this includes grenades) pass through a wall? Place 3 platforms on top of each other, hammer each twice and viola. This also works as a 1 way door, even your NPCs can pass through

  7. Hey! I really enjoy your content and your narrative, and I'd like to give back a little. If you are still interested, I can get you in contact with Wild. Me and him are in a friend-group and we are fairly good friends. Keep up the good work, as someone who is surrounded by fellow content creators, I see you going far on this platform.

  8. I have tried this thing a hell while ago, i did around 400 attempts and it lead to nothing, i would be so happy to see you succeed bro, like if i didn't made it, at least someone else would have 😀 i wish you a ton of luck there, don't give up, we all support you <3

  9. You should start recording your stasticts such as: Time survived, what killed you, # of bossess defeated. then as you keep trying you can start plotting it in excel. its a fun way to monitor your progress (I record these things and more with me groups 3 man hardcore attempts.) Also, because your solo, put $2 every death in a jar so once you complete you have reward money to celebrate with

  10. I neglected to leave a comment because I kept getting pulled away every time I tried to watch this video. However, I hope you know, I'm cheering for you on the sidelines. Seems you've already recorded the next part, so I'll leave any advice to that video. (Not that I have any in particular I can think of, which hasn't been said by others.)

  11. Personally I think it’d be cool to see someone do a non hardcore version of this series, then you’d be able to see the progress and challenges being overcome rather than just hoping you make it far enough to see something new. Absolutely love the videos tho.

  12. I think you should do this as medium or soft core characters. Maybe keep going with hardcore for now but I think it would be more fun to both do and watch if you didn’t have to restart all over again over and over.

  13. How did you fix the UI with 1 hp? I once did a 1 hp playthrough but the UI was broken, like it wouldn't show the hp bar, mana bar, buffs/debuffs, etc.

  14. I don't know why I find your videos really professional like you are better then most of terraria youtubers your videos are so calming and funny at the same time. AND YOU HAVE 3.8K SUBS?? NO WAY!!!

  15. I might be entirely too late in saying this, but you can make recalls infinitely safer by building a little hut around the world spawn and connecting it to your tunnel system. As long as the 3×3 area around the spawnpoint indicator on the map has no foreground blocks, you’ll spawn and teleport there, even if there’s walls or a ceiling immediately around it.

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