Me and my friend have been working on this and aren’t to sure what else to add

by Most-Employment-4594


  1. FlamingYawn13 on

    Lanterns hanging from chains at various heights spaced out evenly in a pattern. It’ll add fill while keeping the stone motif. That and some wood accenting

  2. Change the color of the thrones to call more attention, now it’s kinda blending with the background

  3. Temporary-Package581 on

    Add fancy rugs using nether gold ore on the outside of the rug and 2 wide path of red glazed terracotta. I think it’ll look great here

  4. Ecstatic-Bug-5328 on

    Find an interior accent color. I could see red or purple looking nice here. Rugs, lights, bookshelves to name a few other things. Nice build!!

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