Summer of year 2, what does my most hearted characters say about me?

by neptuni0m


  1. Pseudo_Panda1 on

    You judge people based off who they are deep down, not just their outward appearance

  2. North-Ad-8394 on

    Shane: You have big “I can fix him” energy. 
    Krobus: You’re just like everyone else. 
    Linus: This isn’t your first farm. 
    Willy: You don’t hate fishing
    Wizard: You *really* hate Pierre. 

  3. Veshmeshok_Camper24 on

    I love Linus, he’s a good hearted guy who’s down on his luck. I always befriend him

  4. With all those hearts with wizard I think Shane’s going to get the Pierre treatment

  5. Sir-Cellophane on

    You really like to impose your company on people who really just want to be left alone.

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