Hey all, I'm on year 2 (fall) and discovered Skull Cavern fairly recently. Realizing that it doesn't have elevator, I'm finding that I really need a better sword. The Lava Katana is unfortunately not cutting (no pun intended) since it still takes too long to kill some enemies.

I see on the wiki that you're guaranteed to find one at the top of the Volcano dungeon, but I haven't found that yet. I figure my second best bet is to repeat floors 100-120 of the mines over and over until I find a mystic stone that has one.

Any other ideas given the point in the game that I'm in?

by unSentAuron


  1. Thick_Ordinary_5419 on

    Skull cavern is the best place for this, you don’t need a better sword just avoid the combat just bomb everything and focus on going lower ignore the loot if you have to.

  2. check the quarry every day as it may exist a mystic stone,and then u can SL to make sure you’ll get a Prismatic Shard.

  3. While you’re in the mines, get a geode crusher and collect omni geodes, they also have a chance of containing a prismatic shard.

  4. Beaver987123 on

    Do you use food buffs (speed & luck), bombs, staircases and do you take advantage of lucky days? Those are the things you need for a successful skull cavern run. Even with the Lava Katana. (I do it without staircases or just the bare minimum to keep it “the honourable way”)

    The deeper you get, the more iridium nodes, the more chance of finding a prismatic shard. Mystic stones don’t appear that often to my knowledge, so that would take you a lot longer.

  5. FarmResident9241 on

    If you get past lvl 50 in the skull cavern there are more Iridium nodes to mine. Each Iridium node has a chance for a prismatic chard. I get a lot of them when I use bombs at grouped Iridium nodes past lvl 50.

  6. I found a mystic node or music stone in the quarry, so I checked it: no Prismatic Shard. No problem. Restarted the day went about my business until the next day. That day i checked it, still no Prismatic. Reloaded my 2nd day and went about business as usual. Tried again on day 3. On day 4 it had a Prismatic Shard. If you find one, this strategy works. Quarry is the only place it works, because they can spawn there and they don’t despawn overnight. I hope that explanation helps. Load saves when it’s the wrong day.

  7. smoishymoishes on

    Trade your jade on Sunday to the desert merchant for staircases and zip on down several levels in the skull caverns :0 and bring bombs/food

  8. I got my first one from the quarry around year 3 on this current playthrough. Got it before the dino egg surprisingly. Hit there and Skull on your lucky days.

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