Why is this hair banned in certain countries?

by ViRzon956


  1. probably some extremely homophobic countries ¯⁠⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

  2. Swprice765kv on

    It’s banned in the Middle East countries even if minecraft is allowed in those places because most Muslims do not support LGBTQ content. As far as I know, LGBTQ rainbow colors are a dangerous sin against the religion Islam.

  3. Swprice765kv on

    Another reason why is because some countries don’t want LGBTQ to affect their kids, religions, or replace their flags, which I agree with.

  4. throwaway_ghast on

    Because, in the minds of some people, looking at a rainbow automatically makes you crave penises.

  5. Mojang would rather appease the shitty oppressive countries and keep making money off their children instead of having principles.

  6. In some countries rainbows are banned, idk how they fix it if one appears at the sky but that is their problem.

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