HOW STRONG IS THE CALAMITY TERRARIAN?! | Terraria Calamity Mod Powerscaling Video

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This video took me way longer to make than I wanted it to, but here it is. Thank you to everyone who helped me make this and to everyone watching this, send me ideas for future content in the description!


Intro – 0:00
Revamp for last video – 0:19
Calamity Lore – 2:36
Lore based AP – 6:12
Speed – 7:52
Hax – 9:15
Tooltips AP – 10:49
Outro – 12:32


  1. “Humans and autistic dragons”

    “Ayo fuk autistic dragons squid gang 4 lief”

    “Dragon O Block”

    “Shieeet it’s all good gang we jus gotta do some ritual shi and u finna be aight”

    Diabolical Lines

    Edit: also considering the other scaling of beings like the Devourer of gods and Yharon, Plus what Yharim says about the terrarian he can be scaled far higher than universal

  2. no offense to minecraft lovers but terraria is more of a fighting game and minecraft is a building game most people agree thats what makes both games so different and loved but in the question of the fight i think the fighting game is obvs gonna be sronger

  3. A few things that were not mentioned in this video that use two materials
    cosmilte bar(
    "A chunk of durable and highly resilient cosmic steel."
    and shadowspec bar (
    "A vile, black metal, so horrendous and powerful as to defy explanation.")

    First is the godslayerslug with this tooltip: "Heavy ammunition with unlimited piercing that tears through spacetime
    After a slug lands a hit, if it strikes a wall or runs out of targets to pierce,
    It warps backwards through space and supercharges, exploding on impact."
    The tooltip for the workstation for Cosmilite says this: "An otherworldly anvil capable of withstanding the pressures of stellar collapse.
    Also functions as every previous tier of anvil."
    And finally, the universe splitter that has an oddly simple recipe (just 2 items).
    1 abombbination  and just 5 shadowspec bars
    For an item that has the highest  damage output (pre-nerf: 18,000 summon damage) on the mod
    Its tool tip is this: "Summons an energy field at the mouse cursor.
    After the field has been deployed, it begins to summon multiple small beams.
    After several seconds have passed, an enormous laser beam appears at the field's position.
    This effect has a cooldown.
    Attempting to use this item during the cooldown will cause it to short circuit and do damage to you.
    'An ancient artifact from a previous age waits for your command.
    This is a terrible idea, but it isn't yours anyway, right?'"

    Among other items with more flavored tooltips, ex. the supernova:
    "Tosses a smart bomb that locks onto and tracks targets
    If no target is found, it will return to you.
    Each bomb creates a miniature supernova that drags in weak enemies and chases strong enemies.
    Stealth strikes create a blast that shakes the foundations of reality itself" seem to suggest that the items operate in ways that are paradoxical, alien as to defy every law we know as humans and are best analyzed with the occran razor methodology.
    the principle (attributed to William of Occam) that in explaining a thing no more assumptions should be made than are necessary."
    This means that scaling the full power of the terrarian complete pos-scal arcenal and equipment
    is a nearly impossible task to be done with our current understanding of physics and the universe and will still grow more complex as yahrim is still to be added along with the other 2 super bosses, which would make the OG vision for the mod progression complete.

  4. The reason why the current “scaling” is completely out of place with the tooltips of the items is because old calamity lore was completely different, and it was complex multiversal at bare minimum. Many of the bilibili community criticize the official powerscaling of the new lore for being completely bullshit. Certain addons like Catalyst and Wrath of the Gods both have bare minimum multiversal entities, with the latter having arguments for boundless. So it’s clear even the fans don’t give a fuck about what the new calamity lorewriters think.

  5. I like the old calamity lore way better. I feel like it makes the world seem much more complex and interesting. like this its just a gang war…
    also old calamity lore would make the funny 2D pixel man one of the most powerful beings ever so… thats a neat bonus.

  6. Now make a video talking about The strength of the Calamity Add-On Terrarian! (Excluding Add-Ons that are extensions of other mods like Redemption, Thorium, etc) Dragon Ball AF and Wrath Of The Gods would be great.

  7. i think that for just a 10 minutes video u did it pretty well. btw the end is a insane FACT, is ironic that they say that cal caps at planet lvl when literally in the last update they put in the tooltip of the supernova that can shake the fabric of the universe and they only defend themselves with flowery language lol

  8. Peak video, really loved it!

    Some time ago in the lore channel in the official discord I debated with a lore writer (Rebecca) on Cal vs One Piece characters and basically, she said that Yharim could go 50/50 against Kaido! Now, this is just one dev's vision of the character, but it was too interesting to not mention

  9. The Azathoth is non canon tho, it's a dev weapon.

    Anyway, I guess this does remind me of what I used to think back then. The canon Terrarian is stronger than the Calamitu Terrarian. Seeing this interpretation now, it's funny to think that it's viable now. Now, while the Calamity Terrarian is not as strong as I once thought, I think the WoTG (Wrath of the Gods) Calamity Terrarian is ridiculously powerful than both canon and Calamity Terrarian it's not even funny. It is an alternative take on the Calamity gods lore after all and it takes it literally with the Nameless Deity being an actual God.

    Good video! I enjoyed it and the "artistic" lore explanation was pretty funny ngl

  10. Now do one for how powerful the player is on Fargo's souls mod, comparing mutant x mutant (you can consider the dlc mod as well if you want to aim for higher numbers/

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