This is my North Coastal Mountains, near my city Harlow. They are based off of my home in the Pacific Northwest. I have been developing them for the last three years, on a world that I have been working on for the last ten years.

I designed my North Coastal Mountains to rain and snow heavily, so upon playing survival in this area of my world, you'll for sure come across storms. This was designed to emulate how I felt during the times I've felt alone and lost. Such as loosing a best friend and also learning to cope with some trauma.

by octavian_world


  1. ChubbyChicken645 on


    For sure, I would. This is absolutely incredible my man, the amount of work you have put into this is unimaginable. This looks great, it’s so crazy you’ve made this all by yourself, too.

  2. blazing_force on

    Oh my!. well um. I wouldn’t survive… wayyyy to dark. Talk about hard-core survival. Easily the most beautiful world I’ve seen though.

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