Explain this, mojang.

by Atmo_reetry


  1. Random block rotation, you cant avoid stuff like this when all 4 sides face each other on a corner

  2. Not sure what you want me to see. It’s a square. Most of minecraft is square stuff

  3. Let’s take it easy, my friend. A swastika is a religious symbol used in many places, while a tilted swastika is the Naz*** symbol.

    In reality, Naz*** was what tarnished this symbol, so it is necessary to understand this difference to avoid confusion.

  4. I had to read chst to understand this was a “funny German symbol” we were suppose to see.

  5. MrBrineplays_535 on

    You saw a swastika, I saw a square. It’s unintentional and not intended to happen, so mojang has no fault here. You saw it and interpeted it as something you think it is, even though it’s not the thing.

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