if you were to choose a spouse to match the overall vibe of each farm type, who would you choose for each? including the 1.6 meadowlands farm if you’ve played it yet!

by No_Jackfruit_9139


  1. Standard = Emily, Alex

    Beach = Haley, Elliot

    Forest = Leah, Sebastian

    Hilltop = Penny, Harvey

    Wilderness = Abigail, Sam

    Four corners = Maru, Shane

  2. Consistent_Ad_2093 on

    Oh I did this kind of (I made saves for each spouse Roomate though many I haven’t progressed far in): 

    Standard: Penny, Haley  

    Forest: sam, Leah  

    Beach: Emily, Elliot  

    Wilderness: Abigail, Alex  

    Hilltop: Maru, Sebastian  

    Meadowlands: Shane  

    Riverland: Harvey  

    Four corners: krobus

  3. InsertValidUnsername on

    Standard because I’m a basic bitch and Sebastian because I’m a basic emo bitch

  4. codeverydamnday on

    Abigail wants to fight monsters so she should be wilderness. Not Alex/Haley, their job is beach

  5. Standard farm: Penny and Harvey

    Beach: Haley and Sam

    Hill-top: Emily and Maru

    Meadowland: Shane and Krobus

    Wilderness: Sebastian

    Forest: Elliot and Leah

    Four corners: Abigail and Alex

  6. PedanticPlatypodes on

    Can I say krobus for all of them?

    Jk but definitely krobus for wilderness. He could hang out with his friends

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