Which one of these looks better for my medieval city? and do you have any tips?

by Familiar_Scratch_802


  1. ImASimpMagnet on

    Both builds look really clean! I’d say second one for a Mediterranean type city and first one more for a Northern European one

  2. Swaginatorr44 on

    Definitely depends on the style of the surrounding area

    If you really wanted to, you could build both, one on each side, lots of old cities had sister churches

    they were usually in the same style though…

  3. Fritzschmied on

    Depends on the style of your city. Without any context itโ€™s hard to say but I like the grey one.

  4. Both are good! I’d suggest deciding what color stone is available in your city’s location, then build the church And Most of The City in that color: gray or cream. It’d look great to build any cliff or rocky hills nearby in the same color stone. As one commenter suggested, the gray reads more middle Europe, the sand color looks more Mediterranean. (Then have fun with trees etc. to match!)

  5. HopeOfTheChicken on

    I like the first one a lot more. I’m not a huge fan of the tower in the front, the shape looks kinda off to me. Otherwise Great build

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