1. Alt203848281 on

    You forgot leveling a entire plains or mushroom island and then using at most 5% of the space

  2. [My Discord. This comic was inspired by a suggestion, if you would also like to suggest ideas, give feedback, or generally support my work you can do so there](https://discord.gg/ExPVVPDAEH)

    [also my twitter](https://x.com/thaboarr)

    I dont really have much to say about this, I saw the suggestion and thought ‘hey I’ve experienced that before’ so I tried depicting it. The bunny in the second panel is actually based off an emoji I drew for my discord and I thought this would be the best way to fit it into a comic since I’ve been wanting to do that for a while lol, anyway more comics soon.

  3. Witchy_Titan on

    I like to spend so much time doing my base I get burnt out and barely do other stuff

  4. FantasmaNaranja on

    either i make a very pretty base and then forget tech mods or i’ll have a junk pile lawn where everything goes and a 1×2 hole in the dirt with a trapdoor for night time no inbetweens

  5. The amount of YouTubers I see building their assembly lines out in the open before even making plans for their actual house…

  6. That’s why I always team up with the tech guy. I build the underground ethics nightmare complex and they build the underground ethics nightmare machines.

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