I downloaded the app from here: https://www.feed-the-beast.com which seems to be the official website so I think it's a false positive but I'm kinda paranoic.

Kasperky removed the file and did a disinfection on my pc, while it was disinfecting for some reason I couldn't open any apps or files on my pc and would get a error message when trying to open something. After the disinfecting my pc restarted and everything was fine. I think it was Kaspersky causing the errors while disinfecting but I'm not 100% sure. Again I think this could be a false positive since I downloaded from the official site but I get really paranoic with this kind of things.


by Chadson0805


  1. damnitineedaname on

    Isn’t Kaspersky the Russian spyware disguised as an anti-virus?

    Edit: Just checked. Yes and no. It’s decent as an antivirus, but excellent as Russian spyware.

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