Some badly damaged carpet techniques in this abandoned seminar room concept


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  1. Techniques I used:

    # Flooring

    * An extra layer of carpets on top for worn down carpeting
    * Dead coral for scruffiness
    * Tuff/andesite slabs for completely missing sections of carpeting showing the concrete floor underneath
    * Concrete powder of the same colour for badly worn down carpeting
    * Mushroom blocks (any, just need to expose the porous texture) and stripped jungle logs for areas where the fabric material is completely worn out and there’s just the bottom layer of the carpet remaining
    * Darker coloured carpet for the leaky area (you can’t really see it in the screenshot but there’s water drips around the dead lamps)

    # Walls

    * Mixed directional stripped jungle logs for aged wall covers
    * Brown mushroom blocks for the less aged walling (you could replace this with anything tbh) — although I question whether or not it’s actually the brown mushroom blocks that look more aged than the jungle wood
    * Jungle planks for lower panelling to the walls, you could also mix this with other plank types but I didn’t bother
    * Dripstone blocks and composters for the leaky/wet area
    * Blank white map (built on a slope for a bit of darkening) in item frames for the projector screen

    I considered using packed mud as well but decided against it, I’ll probably use it when I use this concept to build my storage room in survival later on

    # Ceiling

    * I kind of struggled with the ceiling, mushroom stems are reasonable but feel like a “cop out”, I wish I could find something more satisfying. Also mushroom stems are expensive and I don’t want to use them in survival
    * Froglights for the lamps. I played around with the green and pinkish froglights too (my shader does coloured lighting) and I thought the effects were cool but ultimately decided yellow worked best. I might try green again though, it does have a nice unsettling matrixy effect. Purple just made it look like an 80’s disco music video lol
    * Tinted glass for the dead lamps

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