do you think totems ruin hardcore minecraft? or any other item?

by DraggoPlayz_


  1. imo not really

    sure they are OP and save you from death but its worth it, esp for if you are loosing the world forever (without cheats afterwards lol)

  2. Money-Commercial214 on

    I don’t think it ruins hardcore, because it just keeps you from the stupid mistake deaths like falling down or falling in lava. Definitely a good way to tell the player to gtfo

  3. Rough_Outside7588 on

    By the time you can safely farm them, not much threatens you, anyway. Also, having the totem equipped is a huge debuff to your character, and switching to them fast enough is not reliable, especially on some versions of bedrock where there is no item swap hotkey.

  4. No_Resolution_8704 on

    I don’t think totems ruin hardcore, but I do think raid farms do. I don’t mind a second chance in exchange for lots of exploration and effort, but I think that getting infinite totems is ridiculous. That said, nobody is forcing you to use totems. If you feel like an item ruins minecraft, the option is there not to use it

  5. Not really, evokers are difficult to beat, vexs themselves are ruthless and will chase you to the end of the earth. Them (vexes) having no clip doesn’t help either.

  6. ManavKashyap on

    No, they’re just helpful and are a solution to the death problem of hardcore (I don’t think anyone would risk their world on a single hardcore death).

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