1. Ok-Quiet-8269 on

    Again, I’ll never be a furry nor understand why they enjoy what they do, but crapping on them when they are doing no harm is a stupid idea.

  2. Elite_Gamer070 on

    Well, first of all. I think hating on furries is immature as fuck.
    Secondly. Furries have made some great internet/gaming content.

  3. If the music is good i dont care. Otherwise i dont care either apart from the fact that i didnt want the music in the game

  4. JediMasterLigma on

    Half of mojang must be furries, Furries carry the IT industry on their backs

  5. Satoru_Gojo1987 on

    Meh, furries arent that bad in my opinion. Its just there has been some furries who did very bad things and people judge all furries cuz of it, I dont like furries but I dont dislike them either, dont bother me I wont bother you

  6. AxiesOfLeNeptune on

    As a furry itโ€™s sad to see all of the hate we get. People assume just because that some did bad things means all do bad things even though most of us donโ€™t do bad things and are just normal people.

  7. Puzzleheaded-Kiwi983 on

    Why do people even care? Shes just making music for minecraft, she isnt putting furrys into the game

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