I’m developing a game inspired by Stardew Valley, what do you think?



  1. Looks like a videogame, idk what else to tell you from a 10 second clip of you chopping down a tree.

  2. It looks pretty cool and I wish you the best, but its not very respectful to advertise your game on another games page

  3. Waste-your-life on

    And we would need this game… Because? Mate. You chopped a tree. Well done. Worst marketing ever I saw. Steam page not helps either why would I want a 66 times ripoff of the same idea… Hell stardew was not even an original idea but had interesting approaches and has a great storyline.

    Does your game excells in any of that two? Interesting new gameplay/mechanics and/or a great story?

  4. Ok_Insurance4800 on

    Looks great aesthetic-wise, if it won’t feel like it’s just a copy of Stardew when finished I’m definitely in!

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