Also, If you've played with either the improved shane or improved clint mods, feel free to use them to make your case because they legit make their characters better partners.

by TheGourmandFrog


  1. AmphibianOld4815 on

    Shane, because in the one Clint scene at the saloon she actually takes interest in talking to Shane and she IS an “I can fix them” girl (seeing as she nursed the parrot, wants to help others break out of their shells, her gem seminar, ect)

  2. Only-Tomato1328 on

    I like clint and I don’t feel much about shane, but emily and shane are made for each other:

    -they both like animals, birds and are very kind and nurturing towards them
    -emily is always helping people and shane is somewhat cooperative
    -emily works at the bar so she can control his alcohol intake
    -shane needs a hug and emily is always hugging people
    -emily’s hair is blue(joja certified)

  3. GengarSucksBalls on

    None. Emily doesn’t have to solve their problems, and they don’t need Emily, they therapy.

    What Emily needs is the farmer. (Or Sandy, if you will).

  4. Clint is a shy dude with low self esteem, but good at heart.

    Shane is loathing himself so hard that it almost seems as if he’s satisifed with it. Unwilling for permanent self improvisation.

  5. Both are terrible in their own ways, and neither are ready for romance.

    Emily deserves better than being a manic pixie girlie for some depressed blokes. Her talents are to be spent where they can be appreciated, like the Oasis or the farm.

  6. Mean_Comedian4769 on

    Gun to my head I’m picking Shane, but neither is a great choice for Emily. Clint is in love with his own concept of an ideal woman, whom he’s projected onto Emily, and I don’t think he’ll be able to take it if he ever learns that the real Emily is more complicated than that. She might have better chemistry with Shane, but they’re going to have problems when Shane’s atheism runs up against Emily’s crystal woo.

    Can she get with Sandy instead? I ship them

  7. If forced to pick, Clint. At least Emily is friends with him. I think Emily would be far better off single though. Or with Sandy.

  8. MyDarlingArmadillo on

    Shane at least treats her like a human, and doesn’t get weird about it. I don’t know that he’s ready for a relationship until he’s had some therapy, but he’s a decent person once you get past the shell, and he’s doing his best to fix himself.

  9. Absolute neither. Women deserve men who don’t need “fixing”. Neither of these guys are relationship ready (I know, it’s just a game, but I HATE this idea that a woman can “fix” a man. He should fix himself.).

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