Etho Plays Minecraft – Episode 587: Trial Chambers

Minecraft 1.21 is out! We head out exploring to find the new Trial Chambers structures to see what they are all about.

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  1. The only thing I miss about old Minecraft was it being (more) DRM-Free, no stupid MS login. That and the feeling of something so new and unknown, but that feeling can never last. The latest game is definitely better overall though.

  2. Glad to see you enjoying the chambers! Personally they were the most fun I had since I raided my first end city. I love the random potion effects and wind bursts and the quirky designs and traps in the rooms (although I get your point about there not being enough room types to match the number of chambers you need to visit to find everything they have to offer). It brings just enough chaos to put you on your toes, but also provides enough cover to make it fun and beatable. I also appreciate you making the point about setting limits to match your skill level – I see a lot of people complaining that the game is too easy, or something is too op, etc. but failing to consider less skilled or younger players in their evaluation of a new feature, or even just that some things are designed to be accessible in early or mid game as an option. The chambers are like what everyone always wished the dungeons were, and I think they did a great job with them, in my opinion.

  3. "Do you miss old Minecraft?"
    Not necessarily but I am currently replaying through Crash Landing in 1.6.4 and it is very fun to revisit with all of the old game mechanics.

  4. Hey Etho, do you ever plan, or have even thought about, using vanilla+ mods to enhance your survival world? I love playing vanilla too but I like adding small things like a custom skybox or a zoom button or better shift clicking in inventories and it surprised me a little when I saw it say vanilla in the f3 screen. Love the videos, keep up the good work!

  5. Hey Etho, I saw you were in the Vault Hunters SMP Season. Do you plan on posting any episodes for it or doing livestreams considering the Vault SMP has Twitch integration? Thank you as always, take care and have a wonderful day!

  6. Always love the vids Etho ^^ The 4 dispensers and the pressure plate is a good idea for some mini games. It crashes my game every time I try it though XD I play on Switch so I expected no less lol. Will be neat to see what kinds of games and other things people will do with the wind charge.

  7. A rail system that connects the trial chambers together using the new nether portal mechanic would be so good for an efficient breeze rod farm. Also, your silverfish mining technique has been revived thanks to the infested potion. So cool!

  8. I think the trial chambers work like a dungeon, the ones like in d&d and similar worlds. Minecraft should've given a feature wherein you can craft your own map and edit it as much as you like because dungeons are better explored with maps, especially maps that you yourself created by exploring said dungeons. Maybe entrances potruding in the surface as well so that every trial chamber feels like a proper dungeon, not just something you enter somewhere randomly.

  9. I got a core in the first ominous crate i opened, i didn't realize how lucky I was until I watched other people try to get one hah.

  10. I think the trial chambers are great in iron armor and with friends but kinda fall apart when you just go in guns blazing in full netherite. Maybe some kind of scaling difficulty based on armor equipped mechanic would make sense. You could always switch back to iron armor if you wanted a challenge.

  11. wow.. elytra launchers just got way easier to build hah. i tried double stacking the dispensers but it didn't add any height. you can place one extra dispenser below the pressure plate though to get 5 total dispensers which launch you 83 blocks in the air

  12. IMO the wind charge is what rocket’s game design should have been. Elytra’s movement is way too overpowered to easily farm movement items for, the wind charge mechanics with player and redstone interactivity is WAY more both balanced and fun. The player base would hate it so I don’t think they’ll remove rocket boosting but wow the way wind charges work is infinitely more exciting game design wise

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