The Evil Minecraft Mod That Destroys Your Game

A strange Minecraft mod from 2011 advertises an AI companion that can seemingly be a virtual friend and play the game with you. Xtremegamer11 decides to download this mod and play with the AI, uploading his let’s plays on YouTube — but he soon finds out that all is not as it seems, and the AI might have far more sinister intentions. An evil minecraft virus that destroys your game…

Inspired heavily by RetroGamingNow, Render and LEMMiNO

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LEMMiNO tracks used:

LEMMiNO – Encounters

CC BY-SA 4.0

LEMMiNO – Aloft

CC BY-SA 4.0

LEMMiNO – Blackout

CC BY-SA 4.0

🎵 Music licensed from Lickd. The biggest mainstream and stock music platform for content creators

Nara by alt-J, License ID: e7b8qA6j9GL

Try Lickd FREE for 14 days for unlimited stock music and get 50% off your first mainstream track:

This is NOT a series called Minecraft VVSauce where I explore random features of Minecraft. Not Secret Minecraft things or Minecraft lore (like Game Theory) or Escape Rooms, but a research based series dedicated to over-answering questions you never asked, in this case a Minecraft ARG! This one in particular is quite scary and I am shivering in my timbers.

The Evil Minecraft Mod That Destroys Your Game
The Minecraft Virus That Destroys Your Game
MCcompanion: Minecraft’s Deadliest Virus


  1. I think M thinks Emily "left him", whrn she got fired, do to prevent Luke and all the other kids from leaving him, he kidnaps them

  2. I really love that M is actually the Universe, the one i thought helping my mental health, the one that wrote the poem, to wake up, to breathe again, to feel the oxygen around me. Nows the mystery, who is… the second entity?

  3. crazy theory
    what if M realized it was a fictional character in a fictional story, its "freeing" the children from this fictional world, so they no longer are forced to play a part in it

  4. Am i the only ine confused? I dont understand the ending ik its the poem at the end of the game but i dont understand the resolve to this arg

  5. I think MCompanion has 2 different sides of him, seen in the part where he was asking where Luke was, the video we got was clearly from the person who snatched Luke and possibly caused his parents car crash.
    I dont think the real M wanted to hurt anyone he only cared for their safety.

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