JJ and Mikey Found a Secret Base Inside a Store in Minecraft (Maizen)

I really hope everyone hasn’t missed it yet he’s definitely somewhere nearby and we’ll have to catch him as soon as I find it I will simply destroy it Mikey look the Bandit got out of the refrigerator this means he has a secret base inside there this is really who we are hunting for he made a real secret base inside the store this is just terrible no one could notice him we must carefully follow him and of course photograph him then we will definitely be able to prove his guilt and send him to prison all right let’s get started today Mikey and I are going to a new store it literally just opened yesterday and there are already a lot of cool things there we decided to go take a look yes we are 100% ready to spend all our money there if there is really something to buy there I really hope that there won’t be any problems and we can buy literally whatever we want exactly friends we should check out this store buy the best product and rejoice in any case there must be a lot of people there all villagers shop in one place and that’s good it seems to me that this store is ready to become number one in any case we must do a check I hope that there will be no problems and that we will be able to complete the matter and buy everything we need I really hope that we can really buy everything we need some clothes armor and pickaxes it is most important I hope that we can find everything here and buy it at fairly low prices I don’t want to go to another store actually Mikey it’s really cool here nice atmosphere and stuff if it were possible I would really resolve all the issues right now but as you understand we must follow through and buy everything here JJ just look around this store really has everything we need this will really be a successful store I really hope they don’t have any problems in any case we need to choose something and buy it already have you filled your cart with anything yes I took the most basic things for the mine I really hope that we have enough money for this in any case we are ready to buy and buy in this store as many times as necessary we want to support the villagers in this difficult matter because opening a store is always a risk exactly the village is full of Bandits and that’s why it’s difficult to open such a place you’re right Mikey there are many Bandits but few who protect that’s why you need to find out how things are going with the defense here if it’s not there then the goods can easily be stolen therefore you need to be very careful with this matter to tell you the truth I like this place I would even like a store like this for myself that would be very very interesting we would sell different products and get quick money I really like it we definitely need to try something like this in any case the sooner we do all this the better it will be I want to see this through to the very end this is the main thing now we already bought everything we wanted so we can go to the checkout we need to talk to the owner there is so much here and you want to buy everything it really is the atmosphere of a real store I hope that we can have a normal conversation with the owner we just have to find out how he did it all because this is the biggest success of his life this is 100% the whole village will shop here I really hope there are no problems here let’s go as quickly as possible and talk to him hey wait for me I wanted to get myself a Coca-Cola villager hello how are you in general Mikey and JJ hi are you here to shop to put it mildly things are very very bad for me what happened villager after all your store is popular you should definitely be fine someone breaks into my store late at night they steal my goods while I sleep oh this is incredibly terrible how could we miss this JJ they steal goods and I always don’t have enough I don’t even know what to do with this listen if the matter is so serious how about Mikey and I guard your store we will put cameras here and much more sounds like a very good idea I will be very glad to receive your help friends do you really want to guard this place catch Bandits this sounds really very interesting but will it actually be like that in any case our job is to help the villagers and look for Bandits that’s why this is the best place to do it we need to go home and pick up all the equipment for this which we will put in the store we can quickly find out who the robber is and arrest him thank you for your help Mikey and JJ I’ll be waiting for you after closing I’ll show you everything and tell you what needs to be done we will be only happy to help we’ll pick up our things and move them here this will be really very useful and we can install everything here finally we have something to do we will have to catch the real robber we must understand how we will continue to work the store is really very large and we will need much more than for an ordinary house we definitely have enough we just have to go and do it Mikey we finally have a job to do and we will have to do it as quickly as possible I’m counting on you Mikey and JJ okay we shouldn’t let you down that’s why Mikey and I are going home to get everything we need this is really a very difficult Mission Mikey we must take this very seriously some very experienced Bandit is stealing things from a store and no one has seen him that’s why we need to use all our possible forces our plan is quite simple JJ just set up cameras and film who is stealing that’s really true we don’t need anything more and we can immediately go to the police or arrest him ourselves anyway my plan is really very easy I want to see this through and win this battle this is the most important thing now we have everything we need to catch any Thief no one will be able to escape from us much less hide the store owner really hopes for us therefore we must not let him down we must do everything in the best possible way and very efficiently I really hope that we can catch him very quickly and without any problems because we still have a lot of plans for today we have a camera remote controls Etc we can defin def itely catch this Bandit good attitude JJ we really must do everything we can to win this battle no other way I want to catch him and leave this store alone because it’s no one’s fault that the best product is sold there the whole problem is that we have to wait until it closes then we will go install all the cameras in the store we can still go about our business and only then go to the store this will also be effective and we can have a good time and relax friends we are really starting a very serious and dangerous task we need to catch the real Bandit who steals things we can catch him anyway and without any problems this will really be very important for us and we will be able to finish the job this is the most important thing now oh I already thought you weren’t coming I called you and thought you were missing no we just rested for a long time so what do we need to do do you understand it yourself or not you need to photograph this Bandit at any cost then we can launch a Manhunt and catch him H the plan is really what Mikey and I said for each other in any case we will do everything in the best possible way but we will still need to inspect everything and of course give us a separate room our equipment will be located there do you understand or not I understand everything perfectly that’s why I’ll give you a whole room where you can relax and put everything you have no problem there really is a lot more lying around here JJ we will have to guard all this so that no one steals anything this can really be difficult in any case we will have to to cope for us this is really a small Bandit but we must fight everyone at once no one will break the law this is truly the rule of our village and we will punish everyone who breaks it this is where your room will be you can put whatever you want here oh there really is a lot of space we can supply everything you need and of course resolve all issues we will definitely catch this Bandit I am also 100% sure of this if there are any problems we will call you and tell you or go straight to the police exactly we want you to be able to relax so we can do our job catch the Bandit and punish him for it this will really be the right decision I am very glad that you came to my store and helped me this is really very important to me please save my store don’t worry we really are the best defenders and we definitely won’t let anyone through we will arrest and catch everyone who interferes with you I think I can even give you weapons these are bits they will help you fight off Bandits if they attack you I’ll give them to you just in case I really hope we don’t need this we can definitely catch this bandit in other ways this will be much smarter and we can put him in jail okay I’m going home then I leave the store entirely to you okay thank you very much have a nice holiday Mikey we have much more important things to do protecting the entire store he really leaves the store this means we can have fun and get ourselves something tasty it’s true Mikey we should shouldn’t steal from this villager we must help him and of course we will not let him down let’s do everything as well as possible but there is so much here there is a Kinder Surprise this is my favorite chocolate Coca-Cola and much more how can we get through this you and I are not robbers once we catch the real Thief then we will be paid and we can buy whatever we want here so now you just need to hold back and not give into all this we are truly capable of helping villagers and should do so oh you’re really right we must just work then we will celebrate our great victory over the thief okay Mikey let’s get on with our work we have to put up cameras and connect them this way we can watch the store for a long time and find the Bandit there will definitely be no problems with this they even gave us a room so we could install a computer and connect it are you ready for this it’s going to be a really long night but what can you do I want to finish the job and win this is truly the most necessary thing we need to do it seems to me that the fast we do all this the better it will be for all of us in any case we can solve the problems very quickly indeed we must win this battle this is the most important thing we must do our task is to catch him and not beat him up he knows for sure that we will install cameras so we’ll have to outwit him it really sounds very strange but I like your approach I want to catch him and finally go watch cartoons and eat cookies it really is that easy Mikey it’s too early to think about it because we just have an incredible amount of work and we have to do everything very very quickly if we spend too much time the robber will notice us and think that he better not come here and we will lose him oh that really sounds logical we’ll have to take action and catch him this is truly the most important thing in our task great we connected the cameras to the computer now there shouldn’t be any problems you and I must decide which of us will sit at the computer and who will sleep because this is indeed a very important decision the main thing is not to fall asleep at the computer well since we have everything connected and we just need to sit I can sit and watch the cameras there is no big problem I can solve everything quickly enough Mikey this is a responsible job if you fall asleep a burglar might attack and steal everything this is going to be really really bad you know what I mean everything will be fine JJ don’t worry and go to sleep as soon as I want to sleep I’ll wake you up and we’ll switch we will effectively monitor the store okay whatever you say if you really want to sleep just wake me up we should definitely be safe here so I’m off to bed and rest see you in the morning have a good night JJ I’ll keep an eye on everything no one can get through me in my eyes oh friends how long have I been sleeping Mikey did you fall asleep too he really didn’t wake me up and just fell asleep wake up as quickly as possible what’s going on with the store JJ I wanted to wake you up but I lost all my strength and just decided to fall asleep right on the flo floor it was incredibly good do I understand correctly that no one was watching the cameras didn’t you film the bandits I completely forgot about that but I think the store is fine I didn’t hear any sounds at all Mikey you were required to take down the Bandit that’s literally all we needed to do we failed this task we have to see what happened to the store you don’t have to worry about it everything is 100% fine with the store no problem Mikey are you kidding me the Bandit got inside and Rob the store you fell asleep and didn’t have time to take it off this means that he just left and we have absolutely no idea who did it we were robbed while we were defending oh no I didn’t think it would be so serious this is a big problem and we need to do something about it what are you going to do now this Bandit literally stole everything from the store he took a lot and now I don’t know what to tell the owner he will put this food debt on us that’s an incredible amount of diamonds and emeralds do you understand this or not JJ forgive me I never thought that sitting in one position would be so boring and difficult I couldn’t help myself and just wanted to go wake you up but there was not enough strength okay I have another plan look there is some kind of Trace here we’ll have to follow it and try to find the Bandit if he succeeded he couldn’t have gone very far I really hope everyone hasn’t missed it yet he’s definitely somewhere nearby and we’ll have to catch him as soon as I find it I will simply destroy it my Nike look the Bandit got out of the refrigerator this means he has a secret base inside there this is really who we are hunting for he made a real secret base inside the store this is just terrible no one could notice him we must carefully follow him and of course photograph him then we will definitely be able to prove his guilt and send him to prison we have to wait a little so that he doesn’t notice us great we got it done now we need to somehow get inside his secret base in any case we will really be able to solve all the problems very quickly and bring the matter to the end this is the most important thing JJ did you see that too he has a secret base right inside it could be something very secret we must get together and get inside him it does not make sense he’s literally trapped now if we know about his secret base we can punish him it will really be incredibly cool and we will be able to defeat him we will catch the Bandit and we will be able to prove to everyone that we are incredibly cool this is really the most important thing for us now the sooner we do all this the better it will be I want to finish the job and win this is the most important thing now wow I never thought that there could be such a secret base under the store this really looks unique and we simply must solve this problem as quickly as possible follow through and win it is most important in any case the sooner we do all this the better it will be I want to bring this matter to an end and close close it forever we must catch the Bandit okay we’re one step away from his base so Mikey be quiet we must attack him and of course prove that we are very very cool no one should defeat us it will literally be impossible he really stole a lot of things we need to be quiet so he doesn’t notice Us JJ take pictures of everything here this is evidence you’re really right Mikey we need to take some photos to give to the police they will definitely sort it out and put this villager in jail this is really the strongest evidence you will need to tell everyone about this secret place I hope we can get everything back without too much trouble in any case this villager will have problems with the law he’s going to prison right away and that’s where he belongs I think these photos should be enough to defeat him this is truly Ironclad evidence and we will definitely win we will complete our mission let’s leave here as quickly as possible and call the police now we really wanted to show all this to the policeman so that he would arrest the Bandit inside it’s right inside and no one has come out yet therefore you can catch and arrest him very quickly we’ve done the leg work for you so you might just win it yooo we did it we really made sure we caught this Bandit it was hard but we did it this is the most important thing now I want to see it through to the end and of course defeat him then we will go celebrate eat cookies and watch cartoons this is the most important thing for me now now that’s why friends we will say goodbye to you see you very soon and bye everyone yes friends bye everyone I hope you won’t break the law

JJ and Mikey Found a Secret Base Inside a Store in Minecraft (Maizen)

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Maizen – @maizenofficial


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