JJ and Mikey Opened a Modern MCDONALDS in Minecraft – Maizen

Mikey I’m almost done so now we will have our own McDonald’s this is exactly what we have been waiting for for a very long time and now this moment has come it’s finally happened we’ve been waiting for this for so long and now this moment has come so I know that everything will be fine with us well then let’s go to our McDonald’s and now no one will stay hungry because we’ll do everything we’ve wanted to do for a long time and now let’s change into work clothes because we have to look like real McDonald’s employees well now we look very cool and even this suits you I’ve never seen you in other clothes but let’s not do nonsense here it’s time for us to do everything we wanted to do let’s distribute the responsibilities then I’ll be standing at the checkout and taking orders and then you will work in the kitchen and cook burgers I think that we will definitely succeed this way okay that’s fine with me so everything will be fine and we will definitely be able to feed everyone and we will do it as soon as possible and we’ll already accept customers let’s take a look around here first because before we open the doors to customers we need to make sure that we have done everything exactly so look carefully at everything and hope that everything will be fine okay Mikey I’m going to take a look here but so far I’m looking at it we don’t have any problems so I think we can already open our McDonald’s and I can’t wait to do it I think it will be very cool for us and let’s make you my first client so I’m going to sell you a burger now to test everything I think that’s exactly what we needed so the main thing is that you eat everything so that everything would be fine with us and it’s not very cool anymore I see that we are doing great so it’s not for nothing that we did it all I like it and I think it’s going to be even more fun soon so let’s wait for new customers to feed everyone with our cool burgers and so everyone will eat it my place and I would hope that no one will waste time in Vain by the way it really suits you to be in the kitchen of course I have already said something similar but I would also like to tell you this and let’s get ready for the positive because we will be glad to see every customer who will be with us today and everything will be fine with us because we will prove to everyone that we will be great Mikey look we have the first customer here that’s cool that’s exactly what we needed so let’s not waste our time take orders and we will finish it as soon as possible whatever it is I’m tired of it all so I’m not going to put up with it hello we have opened our first McDonald’s and we are glad to see you so let’s cook the most delicious Burger of your life for you now and you will like our Burger so much that you will want to come here every day so I would not hope that you will let us down and call your friends here so do not let us down JJ let’s get the burger ready as soon as possible because the client is already waiting and and I would not like us to keep him waiting so let’s you better not do any nonsense here and understand the seriousness of this so I hope that you have already learned how to quickly assemble a burger don’t worry Mikey everything will be fine with us so let’s not get nervous I know what to do so let’s do everything we wanted to do so it’s time to understand that no one would get hurt because this is not a joke the main thing is not to distract me because then I might have a bur and no one will like it at all JJ why is it taking so long don’t let me down I don’t like it at all anymore are you doing some kind of nonsense there or do you think it’s funny or what I don’t like it at all so let’s get this over with as soon as possible and it’s not so funny anymore do you think you understood me or not Mikey don’t worry everything is under control I know what to do so don’t let me down your job is to take orders and give change okay and now everything will be fine I’m completely sure of it no one will be able to stop me and everyone should understand this perfectly well so let’s not do any more nonsense let’s take orders already hello I’m listening to you okay I get you finally they are buying something new and everything will be fine JJ listen carefully you have to make a cheeseburger now only without tomatoes remember this because it is very important so let’s h hurry up because it seemed to me that this villager is somehow evil okay Mikey I heard you so everything will be fine I heard you so I can do it all so you better not be bossing me around here anymore I know myself that everything will be fine because I am the coolest cook in the world everyone knows that and after everyone eats our Burgers we will have huge cues here JJ why did you take so long or don’t you want to work here anymore because I’m already tired of all this so come on you’re not going to do any nonsense here and it will all be over soon if you don’t speed up and work fast I’m tired of all this and you should hear me yourself Mikey you better not mess around here I’m doing everything very fast you just don’t understand anything and I don’t like it at all so let’s get you to figure it out and find out what you can do here because it’s not funny anymore and I’m tired of listening to your excuses so you just do your job and I’ll do my job and everything will be fine it should be clear to everyone so I’m tired of all this you and I shouldn’t fight we work together and you’re always doing some kind of nonsense and I don’t like it at all because this is definitely not how our business will work so let’s not swear better and listen to me and then we’ll be fine you have to understand that so let’s do it without tricks so that nothing bad happens to us Mikey let’s not do this nonsense anymore and it’s going to be over soon so let’s let’s just keep making Burgers like this I’m the best at it and I’m sure I can do everything I wanted to do and come on take orders as soon as possible and keep an eye on the visitors this is your main task so don’t give up and do everything you wanted to do and I will continue to do everything that I was going to do and every time I get faster and faster get the coke over here as soon as possible and it’s all going to end soon because it’s not funny the main thing is not to engage in nonsense and everyone should understand this so the main thing is that you should hear me because I don’t have time to explain to you and take orders and talk to visitors I won’t be able to tear myself apart at all so let’s not get distracted by you so much anymore and you shouldn’t bother me or distract me because it’s not funny you shouldn’t be doing nonsense yourself so now let’s not distract me now because it’s all going to end very soon and now I have a new customer and come on JJ get ready to cook new Burgers because it’s not funny and I already like it so let’s get to work and this is not the beginning of a serious business because we have a lot of visitors no matter what happens something bad and now it’s going to end soon so soon there will be a break and we can relax Mikey I’ve already given you everything you ordered I don’t quite understand what’s going on there I gave it back but for some reason he doesn’t want to pay hey what’s going on JJ why did he run away without paying we have to catch up with him so let’s catch up with him already because it’s not funny at all why are you doing this to us because we tried in vain and this is not funny anymore so let’s not waste our time on these thieves and it’s not funny anymore so let’s figure out how to do it so that this doesn’t happen okay let Mikey keep doing this nonsense and I’d better go back to McDonald’s because the business has to go on so let’s do what everyone wanted and now it’s not funny anymore because it won’t be so easy for me alone and I would hope that everything will be fine with me the main thing is that there won’t be any problems anymore so I’m going to clean up now because it should always be clean and now I’m going to be resp responsible for this so I won’t waste my time on nonsense and now it’s going to end soon so I Won’t Give Up In Vain and everything will be fine with me so I’m not going to waste my time on nonsense and this is no joke anymore okay I’m just going to do everything that I wanted to do so no one will be doing nonsense anymore and yet I have to do it all myself so that no one gets hurt by accident so it’s not cool so I don’t don’t even know what to do anymore and here are the customers so I’m glad about it after all I did it for a reason and I’m going to serve you all now so order whatever you want but I may have to wait because I’m not sure if I’m going to succeed or not and soon it’s all over and I’ll feed you all that’s exactly what I needed why are there so many of you I did not expect such an influx of visitors and I do not like this I did not expect this and I would hope that it would be over by now and I would have already rested because it’s hard to do it alone I didn’t expect it and I wouldn’t mind if Mikey came back here and helped me because it’s not funny anymore and it’s going to end soon okay JJ we have buns cutlets salad sauce everything you need for a Big Mac now the french fries come on you can do it next one please I know you’re waiting and I’m doing my best to serve you faster thank you for your patience so two cheeseburgers and a Coca-Cola okay it will be ready soon we need to speed up avoid mistakes and do everything as quickly and efficiently as possible I’m sorry for the delay I’m alone right now thank you for your patience I will try to do everything as quickly as possible next a triple cheeseburger and a a large milkshake great I’ll get everything ready soon you just need to keep up with the Rhythm be as attentive as possible and do not forget about the little things so two cheeseburgers and a Coca-Cola okay it will be ready soon we need to speed up avoid mistakes and do everything as quickly and efficiently as possible I’m sorry for the delay I’m alone right now thank you for your patience I will try try to do everything as quickly as possible next hopefully Mikey will be back soon I need to hold on a little longer the main thing is not to give up I can handle it no matter what customers should be satisfied oh Mikey where did you just go things are getting too crazy here sorry for the delay your order so was it a big Big Mac and Fries no oh I’m sorry how difficult did is Mikey please come back soon I don’t know how much longer I can hold on like this everything seems so chaotic as if I’m in a constant Race Against Time thank you for your patience I am doing my best to serve you as quickly as possible next one please oh we must not forget about the burger for number 35 and about the potatoes for number 42 how difficult ult it is but I can handle it I’ll do it for our clients and for Mikey it’s not funny anymore and I wouldn’t want anyone to leave here and now I have to do everything I was going to do as soon as possible no one will leave here hungry and it will all be over soon I know that I’m so tired of all this I don’t like it at all I didn’t expect this and now I have to end this and why doesn’t anyone help me with it so w oh Mikey it’s good to have you back I’m not coping here alone at all it’s a real mess here I don’t have time for anything I just couldn’t leave you alone but the situation with that guy required my intervention don’t worry JJ I’m here again come on let’s show everyone how we can work together and provide great service thank you for holding the line now we’re back together and we can quickly put things in order yes we can do it together thanks for coming back come on we’re getting ready for new orders and showing what we can do we have always worked as a team and now we can do it too each order will be completed perfectly and on time oh my God how can I explain this I didn’t expect this at all and I don’t like it I don’t know what to do maybe you want to order a cheeseburger for yourself or do you prefer a chicken burger more I do not know what to do I do not like it all I do not know how to react to it the jokes are completely over I definitely did not expect to see such clients and I don’t even know how I need to react to this oh Mikey come back soon things are only getting more and more complicated here JJ I do not know what to do here this is some kind of nonsense and I definitely did not expect this and it will all be over soon so let’s better talk to him because I’m very scared and I don’t like it so I’m already regretting that we ended up here hey huge friend what’s your order we have great Burgers and Fries I can recommend our signature Burger to you Mikey you have no idea how difficult it is here orders are coming in but I don’t have time to fulfill them and this monster just stands there and looks not understanding what he needs JJ please do it as soon as possible because I’m very scared to be around him it’s not funny anymore I hope you understand that so let’s get this over with as soon as possible and everything is going to be fine with us and I don’t like it so let’s not release such monsters anymore Mikey I’ve got everything ready so don’t worry hey monster grab all your burgers and let’s get you out of here because because of you we don’t have any other customers here because it’s not funny anymore who JJ thank you for that if it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t even know how to handle this but I’m glad that this monster is gone it makes me very happy well then let’s wait for the next visitors because we haven’t sold all the burgers yet and I hope that we will succeed listen JJ look who’s here they’re Bandits what should we do I don’t know Mikey they look serious we need to figure something out before they start making noise maybe we should try to talk to them we have Burgers they might be hungry yes but if they’re not just eating it can be dangerous we can’t just take the risk okay can we just distract them I’ll try to show them the special offer great idea and I’ll keep cooking so they don’t notice that we’re nervous come on JJ go fight him and I’ll keep an eye on you and you can handle him I’m sure I’m looking at you and I’m already getting scared of this so go to him and defeat him okay okay he’s on top so come on I’ll watch so that everything would be fine with you and I will tell you if something is unclear to you I hope that you will cope with it come on come here if you’re so cool but alas you won’t succeed I won’t even let you come here so give up quickly so that I just destroy you oh wait what is it what happened guys I have great news I I defeated him so now we can live peacefully as before and no one can stop us now now to be honest I thought it would be more difficult but as it turned out

JJ and Mikey Opened a Modern MCDONALDS in Minecraft – Maizen

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen – @maizenofficial

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