Is it Possible to Farm 500,000 Cactus in 100 Minecraft Days

I’ve always loved cactus a little too much to finally satisfy my desires I attempted to farm 500,000 cactus in just 100 Minecraft days in order to have the best chance possible on achieving this goal I’d have to get the elytra gather a bunch of resources and build the cactus farm with an early desert spawn things were looking good ooh and a desert temple too ooh and lava pops right here holy I gathered up some of the surrounding sugarcan to be used for firor once I got an elytra also I got the gunpowder along with some iron from looting the nearby desert temple I then went to get more iron by killing the nearby Golem dude are you okay man uh 11 iron perfect we can get pickaxe bucket double iron tools but I now had everything to enter the nether entering the nether would be the first step towards acquiring the elytra in a quick manner in order to not waste too much time it’ be imperative that the nether has a close fashion and Fortress and we enter oh God this is the wor SP I could have put me in I’m seeing 96 which is good numbers oh God there’s nothing there is literally nothing this is just Crimson Forest garbage over here it’s really looking like a bunch of nothing oh is a treasure and there’s another one right there why were there not popping up on my thing if you couldn’t tell already I have no idea how to accurately use F3 to determine where a Bastion is however luckily for me there were two bastions though perhaps unluckily for me one of which was a treasure the problem with treasure bastions is that they have a Magma Cube spawner at the bottom of them this will interfere with my P chart scans when it comes time to locate The Fortress potentially wasting more time than I like however at this point I had to deal with it and go to the treasure Bastion hi there I do not like you where would he go in there we’ll just chuck all of the gold in there let them do their Trad uh eight obsidian take the arrows just in case I have have to BU the old fashioned way because I’m bad at the game the gold from the upper portion of the Bastion wasn’t enough to get all the pearls I needed I made my way down to the bottom of the Bastion Gathering gold and breaking the mag Cube spawner allowing me to return to the piglins to begin trading for pearls again I mean at least I have enough obsidian to get out okay 10 we need like one more Pearl trade do I wait uh I’m going to wait for an extra one just to be safe I then proceeded to wait through all the remaining trades getting no extra pearls out of it I open up my pie chart because using this I’d be able to locate a spawner and by adjusting render distance I’d be able to tell the general direction the spawner would be in which would hopefully lead me to a fortress so usually what you do is you come over into the next chunk you check around uh which right here it is which means that the spawner is that way because I check here oh well that time it disappeared if I step over here boom spawner and then uh we got to go that direction after following the direction the spawner was in for whatever reason I canot locate any sign of a fortress like right here bro I don’t like see anything what the hell what what is this I’m lit really exactly where it should be is that a cave up there opens up wait hold up it’s large enough I should be able to see it over here man that was something that entire time the Fortress was somehow above me through a small cave in the ceiling for a while there I thought it just didn’t exist at least now that it was found I could kill blazes for their rods after killing all the blazes I can now build a portal back to the Overworld throw a few eyes and locate the stronghold so not normal cave right here this is like a stronghold room it’s not okay I was going to say it does not look like normal cave gen I’m probably so deep though what is going on here hey a little bit of drip don’t hold now buddy I just say just in case things go wrong I’m going to set up a bed here at my spawn point all right time to go that an Nory bow like really does basically zero damage to this guy was pretty simple watch this watch how fast I am I was a little bit I was a little bit too quick there Dragon sth when I could finally go out and get the elytra oh oh oh oh what the and after getting out of that situation I quickly found one on a nearby in city I now wanted to go around looing a few more in cities so I can not only get extra elytras but get good tools that would be needed to gather resources for the cactus [Music] farm five fireworks left uh I really need to find an exit Gateway saved I wasn’t worried for a second I was not worried at all perfect exiting the end I went and farm some bookshelves in case I needed a few extra enchantment and grabs ameth his shards for some future drip before turning back to my base to begin working on an iron Farms that’s the wrong Farm aren’t you supposed to be gathering Cactus Jimmy what I tell you about speaking out crawl back into your cage and be silent anyways I now need an iron farm to supply me with all the Hoppers I need for the cactus Farm’s collection system I began to gather all the needed [Music] resources they put a cave this spot here looks good the main thing I’m kind of in search of right now is going to be uh Redstone all right that should be good all the resources now gathered and a few tools getting Enchanted for later I can now begin building the iron farm [Music] s sir sir sir sir everything’s everything’s going to be okay you just yeah that oh that block was supposed to stay there yeah I’m not too intelligent oh oh I guess we’re only going to have three villagers in our iron farm cuz I’m stupid Please Subscribe so that these villagers deaths weren’t in vain anyways so I quickly replac those villagers and set up the boat clock because yes this iron farm uses a boat clock it was the cheapest and easiest design I had that meant I needed a zombie but for some reason these guys did not want to pick up items at all the gunpowder maybe pick up anything pick up something please look at all the fun stuff I’m dropping on the ground you guys could pick up if you wanted to look you can join in on the fun too look at all the fun items on the floor that any one of you could pick up if you wanted to tell me none of these guys want to pick up any floor loot I spent an entire night trying to get a zombie to pick up an item with no luck I did some research and supposedly IES have a higher chance to pick up items in hard mode so I up the difficulty oh there we go come on zombie you’re so slow P him around a little bit bad dude you were just misbehaving like I kind of had to all right perfect so we have an iron farm now doesn’t run off lava but I don’t think that’ll matter too much okay so that I now need to go and locate a swamp really badly now why exactly do I need a swamp well you see the iron farm isn’t the only prep I needed I now need to make a tree farm and that requires a lot of sticky pistons so locating a swamp would be the most efficient way for me to gather slime balls this farm would be imperative for the fences fin skates and slabs the cactus farm would be made out of which now brings me to the cactus farm in question there are many different cactus farm designs the main one most people know of is the classic factions cactus farm which is the one I was originally going to use for this challenge however after doing some research I learned that this Farm actually destroys nearly half the cactus that produces making it highly inefficient I looked around a little more until I eventually stumbled upon this [Music] this Farm is separated into different layers making it so virtually no Cactus are destroyed the problem is this Farm requires a lot more resources to build seeing as it’s separated into different layers and also requires the additional block of fence gate that aren’t used in the faction’s design meaning without a wood Farm Gathering 500,000 Cactus would be completely impossible I don’t know why I can never find a swamp biome like they seem so rare for no reason I’m hoping I can actually find one before I break all my elytras here where’s snow bro I’m spawn in the snow biome wow another cherry blossom biome that’s crazy bro how about we get a swamp biome you know holy big hole there a mangrove swamp that’s the wrong kind early if I follow the mangrove swamps it’ll lead me to a normal swamp oh there is one let us in size too finally stumbling upon a swamp was nice however it was currently a new moon meaning slimes wouldn’t even be able to spawn after staying there to gather a few resources I decided to leave and come back once the moon is full Gathering some bone blocks on the way out as these would be needed to supply the tree Farm’s bone meal with the bone blocks acquired I can now finally begin working on the cactus farm by mining out the area for the collection system it would sit on top of I see a chance I’ll get enough sand for the entire Cactus F off of this one area stop it let be alone leave me alone no there’s more of them leave me alone leave me alone stop it please decent progress was being made on the farm however it was turning night and this night would be a full moon the time when slimes would spawn the most I stopped what I was doing and headed over to the swamp to farm some slime that creeper just slime in the tree are they evolving oh big slime once I kill this one I should be good no blow up some of the balls what balls no don’t I have to smash my balls down into the Pistons have to compress my balls into a [Music] piston we’re going to ignore whatever that just was and instead focus on clearing out that pit for the collection [Music] [Music] system honestly moving back and forth like this is making me nauseous just like motion sick F’s fighting back telling me to stop but I can’t I’m addicted I thought alcohol was a bad addiction I thought drugs hard crack cocaine no sand sand is the worst addiction of them all with the area for the cactus friend fully mined out I decided to not make the cactus farm but instead finally build a tree farm I mentioned ages ago I brought a schematic of it into the world using like matica and began the tedious building process Phantoms bro they are so annoying like who developed these things and thought they were an genuine good idea to put into the game there’s no way a single person on this planet I thought these things were a good addition holy they are the worst love ever [Music] dude bro stop it he well I guess the last part we need is the TNT you know what what could go wrong here all right I come in hold down right click Tree Grows um why is nothing happening why is there a hole I don’t know how I did that but I’m kind of dumb all right let let’s try again uh I don’t know it was broken before but it’s fixed now the tree Farm’s completion and all I had to do was AFK for wood which I then quickly turned into a Shuler of fences including all the prep for the cactus farm or at least it was supposed to until I realized it took three stacks of bone blocks to get one Shuler of Oak fences granted there was still some wood left over but that was for the fence gate this meant if I wanted to build a far out of wood slabs too I need an absolutely ridiculous amount of bone blocks which just wasn’t worth the hassle I pivoted to a new idea an auto Cobblestone farm this farm would allow me to infinitely produce Cobblestone slabs without having to waste resources to produce it it would be a massive time save in the long run I did currently have around three double chest of sandstone which I could use for slabs however I knew it quickly run through all of that I flew to a nearby cave to gather Redstone for the farm I don’t know this is the cave I was thinking of but uh hey this works oh there goes a pig goodbye Soldier the Redstone out of the way I kill a Shuler of lava and began construction on the Cobblestone Farm [Music] not sure this is going to work so I’m just going to okay it didn’t blow up everything the farm not blowing up everything was a good thing this meant I now had a method to produce all the slabs that ever need for the farm I celebrated by dripping myself out I then finally began work on the cactus farm again slly mining out more space for the water portion of the collection system I just going to clear out the whole inside Circle here or this is a square why did I say [Music] circle with the water section done I now needed to mine out the chest system also a few rabbits decided to follow me down which will now promptly be called Bob Bob thei and opalina bunnies you better move if you want to live hey you guys are some lucky bunnies I’ll tell you that much is there what is here here guys I’m sorry had to be done it had to be done the one you got on my way at least these bunes are intelligent okay so Bob thei may have been brutally murdered it was his fault though maybe if he wasn’t an idiot who sat right where I needed to build he could have lived but no this bunny had to sit right in that one specific spot anyway so let’s finish up this collection system okay collection system is done now that I finished the ction system I can move on to laying out slabs for the first ler of the cactus farm I wonder if I should get Swifts sneak this is kind of a yikes bro I might need to go get Swift Snak real quick I’m pretty sure there’s like some mountains uh down this way oh right there though this might be the juice oh yes this is the juice for sure oh hey guys it’s this way wait okay how many wardens am I going to spawn to find one of these then oh right there boom okay we’re can to leave okay that was actually really easy that in Justus I checked with twis on my pants I began building a small portion of the first layer of the cactus farm so I can begin Gathering my first cactus that would be needed to help build each of the other layers at least have Cactus growing now and I want to get this first layer finished up now [Music] okay gates are next let me just see what my wood supply looks like I I think I’m out of wood to be honest all right I need to go out and get some bone blocks some me alone did you just break some of my bones I’m going to Bone you next that’s right you better you better be afraid now you got a big mouth on you you know what’s next hey yo that’s in an all right chunk there I’m to place some fence [Music] gates all right that is layer one basically done the only thing I was missing to finish the first layer was Cactus so I decided to start building the second layer to not only give the farm time to produce the needed Cactus but also because I could place fences directly on the ceiling and instead of having to make an entire line of them to then go back and break the ones not needed this would save a massive amount of time in the long [Music] run all right that’s the ceiling done so now I need to place my fence in Cactus [Music] this is a much better method here than what I was doing if I remember to uh put the cactuses behind me that is all right layer one is fully complete now uh have fun Cactus goodbye it was now Day 36 and I had only just completed the first layer of the cactus farm at this point I should have 180,000 cactus farm however I barely had enough to finish just one layer of the farm though at least now I was finally producing Cactus one layer wasn’t going to cut it I now have to slowly begin building layer after layer of cactus farm until I ran out of resource [Music] and I love placing fence posts this has got to be my favorite thing to do that nobody ever ibody wondered why there’s Green in my hair now right here because of the cactus the cactus called the me I’m farming so much cactus that my hair is starting to turn green few more place Cactus concluded the building of the second layer which took around 5 days to fully finish the second layer ate up all the wood I had left which me I now had the AFK tree though luckily I still had some bone Stu over I didn’t have to fetch any more of those to run the tree farm though with the freshly stock supply of fences and fence gates I could begin building the third layer leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone let me alone love it [Music] going to do a quick uh upgrade to the storage system because it’s probably going to need one at some point anyways and as I kind of got down what I wanted to before day 50 I might as well do a quick little expansion here all right that should be the collection system fully done day 50 marks the halfway point of this Challenge and for the next 50 of those days I would literally just be building the cactus farm so as I’m building the fourth layer let’s have a quick commercial break did your girlfriend cheat on you for someone taller and more attractive did they give her everything she’s ever wanted and more if so then we have the perfect new solution for you introducing Cactus this exciting new implementation into your life will hurt you more than she ever did so forget your ex and have some quality time with your new Cactus that’s not what I meant cut the cameras I’m not going to comment on anything you just saw hey the for FL of the cactus farm is now done which meant it was now onto the fifth oh my gosh they’re so loud like shut up Phantoms I get it you’re dying and burning to death I do not care [Music] with the fifth layer done I was starting to grow bored from doing the exact same thing for 8 hours straight I went to the Nether and gathered some bones to run the wood Farm again at this point it was now day 63 and if I wanted to have any chance of getting 500,000 Cactus I’d have to get done at least 10 layers in total with my anxiety slowly growing I began to once again build day 90 marked the completion of the 10th layer of the cactus farm I then made two more layers except my power turned off M by through the recording and I lost all the footage for days 90 to 97 so for the last two days of this challenge I just sat there in a box and AFK the cactus farm the first time I had a break throughout the entire Challenge and all I could think of was if this Farm was enough to to make it to the 500,000 Cactus Mark sun rises on the final day of the challenge once my F3 says 100 I’ll block up the cactus farm day 100 sorry Cactus but we got to go and block all this up now oh my good Lord the cactus farm have been blocked up marking the end of all Cactus collection which me now all I had to do was go into creative mode break the chests and see if I farmed enough Cactus break all these chests SE one Som have much which expected okay there there’s a lot I’m actually kind of hopeful now all right three 2 1 325,000 [Music]

Is it possible to farm 500,00 Cactus in just 100 minecraft days, find out by watching this epic, exciting, and cool video by yours truly. Also, this video was obviously heavily inspired by @rekrap2 , So go show him some love and subscribe because his content is genuinely so entertaining and fun to watch. Check him out here!

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Ignore below text….
We’re playing minecraft bedwars on hypixel, not manhunt, not speedrun, not modded. Minecraft pvp on bedwars. I’m not Dream, but clutch. Not dream smp, or lava rises / water rises, or skywars / skyblock or uhc or bridges, but hypixel bedwars. And lifesteal smp / deadliest minecraft server, not dream smp, but parrot smp.

Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not AJTHEBOLD / TommyInnit / or any other Dream SMP members. This is a new and original Minecraft idea where you can steal SMP Minecraft player’s lives. Survival is harder than Hardcore Minecraft because PVP is a thing.


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